part two

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"You know, Selina, when you said lessons, I wasn't exactly expecting this." Jason gestured to the shoes on his feet as he wobbled around their living room in seven inch stilettos. "Why do I need to learn to walk in heels?"

"I told you, kitten, it teaches you balance. And balance is important, especially if you are going to be running along rooftops and pulling off the jobs I do." Selina sipped her drink, watching Jason with a smile. "Now, relax your knees. You are too tense and stiff. You need to be fluid in your movements for this to work. Remember what I told you about heels?"

"That if I feel off balance I need to put the weight on my toes. This is basically like walking on tiptoes, now that I think of it." Jason mumbled.

"Exactly. Now, take a breath and try again. Walk to me, Jason." Selina watched as Jason relaxed his stance and walked towards her with much more grace than his previous attempts. "Good, good! You are improving, my little stray."

"My feet ache." Jason whined.

"We are almost done, don't worry. You've caught on quick, tomorrow we might spend the day learning how to run in heels."

Jason's jaw went slack. "You've got to be kidding me."

"You need balance when you run as well." Selina smirked, sipping her drink. "Now, do a few more laps around the room and then we will call it a day, okay?"

"Okay..." Jason sighed, doing as he was told. He circled the living room, feeling less wobbly with each lap he completed. He smiled a small smile as he began to walk more confidently. "Hey, this isn't so bad."

"You're getting the hang of it, there you go!" Selina smiled, feeling a swell of pride within her. Maybe Batman was onto something with this whole get yourself a sidekick thing.

Jason went around the living room a few more times, giddiness building within himself. He could actually begin to see himself with Selina, running along rooftops with their prizes, fighting off Batman and his little sidekicks. Jason knew he was getting ahead of himself, he barely began his training, but he couldn't help himself. It had been a long time since he really wanted something.

And boy, did he want this.

"Hey, Selina, what are we going to call me? You know, out in the streets?" Jason asked, leaning against the back of the couch to take the stilettos off.

Selina pursed her lips, a thoughtful expression on her face. She snapped her fingers when it came to her. "Catboy!"

Jason stared at her and if looks could kill, Selina would be six feet under. "I get that you want to stick with the cat theme of Catwoman, but there is no way in hell I am going to be called Catboy. At least Catlad is marginally better."

"Are you saying you want to be called Catlad?"

Jason sighed. "If you want to keep the cat theme, why not Stray?"

"Or Kitten?"

"Kitten makes me sound harmless and juvenile."

"Exactly. And when they underestimate you, that's when you bust out your moves." Jason just raised a brow and Selina pouted. "I think it sounds cute."

"I'm not going for cute, I'm going for memorable. Legendary. Something that will go down in the history books alongside the great Catwoman."

Selina cooed. "You think I'm great?"

"Selina, you're the best thief there is. You go toe to toe with Batman himself. You took me in and gave me a home and a purpose when I had nothing."

"You didn't answer the question." Selina smirked.

Jason grumbled, rubbing his sore feet. "You really want to hear me say that I think you're great?"

"There it is!" Selina chuckled, standing up and walking towards Jason, who looked up at her when she got closer. Selina leaned down, pressing a kiss to Jason's forehead. "I think you're great, too, Jason."

"I didn't ask." Jason mumbled, trying to act like Selina's gentle and affectionate side wasn't making him yearn for more moments where he made her proud, made her smile at him like that, made her ruffle his hair and call him 'kitten'.

Selina smiled at him. "I know. Just felt like telling you." She took the shoes from his hands, walking towards Jason's room to put them away. "I am going to leave these in your room, in case the need to practice more hits you."

Jason nodded even though Selina wasn't in the room. He sat down on the couch, looking at the book case across the room, eyes scanning over the many titles lining the shelves. Standing up from the couch, Jason made his way over to the book shelf, crouching in front of it to get a better look at its contents.

Selina came back into the room a few minutes later, pausing when she saw Jason sitting back on the couch with a book opened in his lap, Isis curled up next to him. He was staring intently at the pages, obviously reading, one hand petting Isis while the other held onto the book. Selina smiled softly, taking the scene in for another moment before walking into the room and over to the bookcase, grabbing her own book. She sat down on the other side of Isis, flipping open her book.

They sat in silence for awhile, reading their own books while occasionally petting the cats that came up to them. The sun began to set and Selina put a bookmark in her book, turning to Jason. "Kitten, what would you like to do for dinner? We can get dinner here or we can go out to eat, your choice."

Jason closed his book, having jut finished it. He placed it on the coffee table, contemplating his choices. "What are you in the mood for, Selina? I'm okay with anything, really. I'm not picky."

Selina smiled. "I know this nice little Thai place right around the corner, you'll love it. Come on, let's go freshen up. And then we can go get some dinner, yeah?"

Jason nodded, walking to his room to change his outfit and brush his hair. He returned to the living room a moment later, seeing Selina emerge from her room in a brand new outfit. She linked her arm with Jason's, grabbing her wallet and keys. They left the apartment, locking the door behind them and headed in the direction of the restaurant, happy and content with life.

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