part eight

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“Rise and shine, kitten. Time for your first day of school!” Selina ripped the blankets off a still sleeping Jason, causing the teen to groan and pull the pillow over his head. 

“Five more minutes…” Jason begged, tightening his grip on the pillow lest Selina try to take it from him. 

Selina chuckled at Jason’s actions, walking over to the light switch. She turned the lights on, stopping in the doorway. “You have two minutes before I send Isis in for you.”

“Isis loves me!” Jason called back, causing Selina to chuckle more. Jason groaned, rolling over and out of bed. He made his way to his bureau and grabbed out clothes for school, getting dressed before he head out into the living room. Selina was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast when Jason slumped down in the chair at the table. "Do I have to go to such a prep school? I mean, why is it even called a prep school? What are they prepping for?"

Selina smiled over at Jason. "I think that's just the name they decided to give those schools. Besides, it won't be too bad. You might make some friends."

Jason took the cup of coffee Selina offered him, a skeptical look on his face. "I am not going to school to make friends. I go to school to learn."

Selina shrugged. "Hey, you never know. You might actually like it there."

She placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him, sitting down across from him. Jason took a bite, looking up at the woman across from him with a wry grin. "What are you going to do while I am at school, huh? Your life revolves around me."

Selina rolled her eyes good naturedly, taking a sip of her beverage. "I'll find something to occupy my time. Perhaps I'll go pick your suit up from the tailor."

Jason gasped, slamming his fork down. "It's ready?!" Selina took another sip, maintaining eye contact. Jason was practically vibrating with excitement. "Don't you dare pick it up without me!"

Selina raised her hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I won't.  Perhaps I will call Gwen and see if she has any jobs."

Jason lit up at that. "If my suit is ready and you are calling Gwen about jobs...does that mean I can go in the field with you?!" 

Selina pursed her lips slightly. "If you can make it through your first week of school without incident, I will consider it a possibility." Jason shot out of his chair with a holler. Selina raised a hand to gain his attention. "That means no talking back to your teachers, attending all classes, and at least attempting to make some friends, okay?"

Jason nodded, barely hearing her words. "Okay, deal." 

Selina looked at the time, ushering Jason back to the table. "Hurry, finish your breakfast. You are going to be late." 

Scarfing down the rest of his food, Jason stood up to put his plate in the sink, leaning down to kiss Selina's cheek as he passed her. "You're the best." She smiled at him, watching as he grabbed his bag of school supplies off the couch and ran to the door. "Bye! See you after school!"

Selina watched Jason through the window as he raced down the street towards his school. One of the cats jumped up next to her, rubbing against Selina's arm. She began petting the cat, a sigh escaping her mouth. "What am I going to do with that boy?"

Arriving at school just moments before the bell, Jason made his way to his homeroom, taking a seat. He looked out the window, his chin resting in his hand as the teacher called roll call. The bell rang shortly after the teacher finished and Jason was up and off, heading to his first period. He sat down at a desk and watched as other kids filed in and took their seats. 

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