part three

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Updating today because it is Jason's birthday now everyone say happy birthday or I will cry.

Jason strut into the kitchen to find Selina on the phone. He sat down at the table, kicking his feet up on the other chair as he listened in on Selina's end of the conversation.

"-ds cool, Gwen. I'll meet you for lunch. Yeah." Selina looked at Jason. "Mind if I bring a guest? No, he won't be coming with me on the job, I am just showing him the ropes for now, figured meeting my fence would be a good way to get his feet wet. One o'clock? Okay."

Selina hung up and Jason eyed her coolly. "You got a job?"

She shrugged. "Potentially. I'm meeting my fence, Gwen, in an hour to discuss it. You're welcome to come along. It'd be a good way for you to learn how the job distribution process works."

Jason nodded. "But I can't come on the job, right?"

Selina sighed. "Jason-"

"I'm ready, Selina! We've been at this for a month now, let me come with you, please." Jason made puppy dog eyes, looking up at Selina with a slight pout on his lips.

Selina chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Jason, you know I'm a cat person, right? Those puppy dog eyes won't work on me, especially not for a job." Jason groaned. "You have improved immensely and are quite skilled, but you aren't ready for a job like this. Soon, but not yet."

Jason grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Selina slapped his feet off the chair, sitting down at the table with him. "What else do I need to learn? I've already mastered balance - I am a pro at running in heels - I am sneaky, and I can fight, you've said that yourself. What more is there?"


"For wh- oh. You want me to learn patience? Why?" Jason narrowed his eyes at Selina.

"Sometimes a job requires an incredible amount of patience. It needs to be carried out at just the right time or the whole thing will be blown. And you, my little kitten, definitely need to master patience." Selina smiled at Jason. "Believe me, I will let you out into the field when you are ready, when I know you will be safe and fully capable. You are almost there."

Jason went to argue but thought better of it, not wanting to further prove Selina's point. He stood up from the table with a stretch. "Where are we getting lunch?"

"Gwen knows this little diner. We are going to meet her there. No need to dress fancy or anything like that." Selina watched Jason walk away, a small grin on her lips. "You're getting there, Jason. Believe me. I just...I can't stand to see you get hurt because I put you in the field too early."

Jason emerged from his room dressed in a pullover sweatshirt and black jeans, a small scowl on his face. "Let's go get this over with."

Selina chuckled, standing up from the table to slip her shoes on and grab a coat. "Jason, you're thinking of this as a chore rather than a learning experience. Trust me, you can learn a lot from Gwen."

"Yeah, yeah." Jason followed Selina out of the apartment and down to the streets below. They maneuvered their way through the streets of Gotham towards their destination. When they stopped at a crosswalk Jason turned to Selina. "What's the job?"

"That's what we are going to find out. We are also going to introduce you to Gwen so you can put a face to the name and start your own relationship with her." Selina wrapped an arm around Jason's shoulder, walking towards the little corner diner Gwen told her to meet her at. "We are a little early but I figured we could get some coffee while we wait for Gwen."

Jason nodded, opening the door for Selina. The duo walked inside and to a booth, sliding in on the same side so Gwen could sit across from them. Selina picked up a menu, handing one to Jason. They looked it over for a few minutes before a server came over and took their order.

It was about fifteen minutes later that Gwen Altamont walked through the diner doors and to their booth, sitting down across from the master thief and her apprentice. "Hey, Selina. Who's the kid?"

"Gwen, this is Jason. Jason, this is Gwen Altamont, my associate." Selina gestured between the two, taking a sip of her drink. "I am mentoring Jason, giving him a place to stay, you know how it goes. Us street kids have to look out for one another."

Jason snorted. "You're hardly a kid anymore."

Selina glared playfully at him before looking back at Gwen. "So, what are the details? You were very vague on the phone. Understandably so."

Gwen pulled a manila folder out of her purse, sliding it across the table to Selina. She let Selina leaf through it for a few minutes before she began talking. "I have a buyer who wants these paintings. I know its not your usual job, but they are paying great money. The only thing is, they want the paintings in tact. You are going to have to remove them from the frame whole."

"Ten paintings? Piece of cake." Selina smirked. "How much are they pay- whoa that's a lot of money."

Jason looked over Selina's shoulder and felt his eyes widen when he saw the number. That much for some paintings? He glanced up at Selina as she chatted with Gwen about brushing up on her painting lifting skills. He listened intently, putting everything to memory that they said, not wanting to miss a thing as they discussed the drills she would need to run.

"I can help you with them." Jason offered, bringing the attention back to him. He shrugged. "It'll be a good way for me to learn, y'know?"

"Kid has a point." Gwen nodded. Her phone beeped and she sighed. "Look, I've got to go. I'll check in in a few days to see how things are going, okay? Bye Selina. It was nice meeting you, Jason."

"Likewise." Jason watched Gwen leave before looking at Selina with his bright eyes. "So, you gonna teach me how to lift a painting?"

Selina smiled at Jason, putting money down to pay their bill before sliding out of the booth. She slung an arm around Jason's shoulder as they went out onto the street, guiding him in the direction of their apartment. "I believe I am, kitten, I believe I am."

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