part nine

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yes, i realize that is fanart of Tim, but ignore that pls and pretend it is Jason bc that is what his suit looks like. 

"Oh, my god. It is perfect!" Jason cheered, pulling his suit out of the tailor box.

"Go try it on." Selina ushered Jason to his bedroom, waiting patiently on the couch as Jason got changed.

Jason came out a moment later in his suit, goggles up on top of his head. He twirled for Selina. "Well? What do you think?"

Selina smiled at Jason, standing up. "I think we are going to make quite the thieving duo, kitten."

Jason beamed back. "Does that mean - "

"Yes, Jason. You get to come with me on tonight's heist. Although, I still can't believe you already have a best friend after being at school for a week." Selina joked.

"Hey! I am very likable." Jason shot back.

"I am just teasing. Though I would like to meet this...what was their name again?"

"Tim Drake." Jason watched something flash across Selina's eyes. "Do you know him?"

"I know his custodian." Selina hummed, heading towards her bedroom.

"You know Bruce Wayne?" Jason called through the closed door. "Is he as pompous of an ass as he looks?"

Selina emerged from the room in her Catwoman costume. "Jay, don't judge people before you meet them." She walked towards the balcony, opening the door and stepping out. "Now come on, we have some jewels to steal."

"Woohoo!" Jason yelled, following after Selina as she made her way to the rooftop.

The duo raced across the rooftops, the smile never leaving Jason's face as he chased after Selina. He did a flip from one roof to a lower roof, causing Selina to shake her head fondly. They continued on their way towards their destination, reaching the roof of the appraiser's office in no time.

Selina turned to Jason, motioning to the fire escape. "This way."

Jason followed after Selina as she slunk down the fire escape, crouching in front of the window. Raising one of her hands, claws extended out from the fingertips and she got to work cutting the glass on the window, making a hole big enough for the duo to make their way in.

Stepping inside the appraiser's office, she nodded to one half of the room and Jason got the hint, making his way over there. He began rummaging through the file drawers, hearing Selina take a seat. Turning around with a curious expression, he saw Selina sitting in the appraiser's chair, arms crossed behind her head as she watched Jason. He gawked at her. "Are you not going to help me?"

She shrugged. "It is your first mission. I figured I'd let you have the fun."

Jason smiled. "I'm touched, really." Selina grinned back, motioning with her hands for him to get back to work. Jason turned back to the cabinets and continued his rummaging. "You know, I've been thinking -"

"Thought I smelt something burning." Selina snickered when Jason glared at him. "Sorry, kitten, you left yourself wide open for that one."

"It's true." Jason shrugged. "Anyways, about my name."

"You mean Jason? What's wrong with it?" Selina furrowed her brow, taking her feet off the desk.

"No, I know how you are Catwoman when dressed like this?" Selina nodded. "I've been thinking about my name."

"Ooh, do tell."

Jason smiled, closing one drawer and going to the next. "I think I want to go by Magpie."

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