part twenty four

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Note: ...all i can say is i am the worst at updating

" - up!" Tim jolted awake, staring up at the concerned face of Nightwing. Upon seeing his younger brother awake, Nightwing let out a sigh, leaning back on his heels. "Thank goodness. I wouldn't know what to tell B if something happened to you."

Tim looked around the roof, panic swelling inside of him. "Where is Magpie?"

Nightwing furrowed his brow. "I was going to ask you that. Why are you wearing his gear, by the way?"

It was at that moment that Tim realized he was, in fact, wearing the young thief's outfit. His panic and anxiety grew exponentially at that realization and he grabbed Nightwing by the collar, staring at him wide eyed. "Wing, we need to find Magpie and fast. Where is Batman?"

"On patrol...what is going on?" Nightwing looked at his younger brother in confusion, a little concerned for his health.

Tim shook his head, standing up quickly. "I'll tell you on the way. First, let's find Batman and Batgirl.  We'll need everyone for this."

Nightwing didn't question his brother, following his lead as he went running off in the direction of Batman's patrol route. Tim was sprinting faster than his brother had ever seen him move. 

If someone had said he had superhuman speed, Nightwing would've believed them in that moment. 

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, the older vigilante followed the worried teen along the rooftops, trying to keep up with him. They found Batman on a roof, staring down into an alleyway. Tim nearly tackled the man. "B! B, we have a major, major problem!"

Batman grunted at the teen, staring at his attire. He glanced at Nightwing for an answer, his older son shrugging. "What is it?"

Tim took in a shaky inhale, a little exhausted from running halfway across the city. "Magpie...he's in danger. Black Mask is planning on killing him."

The adult vigilante's eyes widened slightly under his mask and he inaudibly sighed. "We need to hurry. Selina called me. Jason isn't home and he knocked Harley out to escape."

The youngest vigilante cursed, tugging at his hair. "This is bad, really bad." Tim groaned, dropping to a crouch. He stared up at his brother and father. "Jason was rambling on and on about overhearing Black Mask talk about putting a bullet in the 'birdies' head. Jason thought he meant me but he really meant - "

"Magpie." Nightwing finished Tim's sentence. Nightwing turned to Batman. "Where's Batgirl?"

"Here." The three males turned to see the female vigilante land on the roof with them. "Heard everything."

"Good. I know where Black Mask is. Let's go." Batman nodded. 

"What about Catwoman?" Tim asked, following after his father and siblings. "Won't she want to come along?"

Nightwing sighed. "Tim, it would be for the best that Selina doesn't see her son in the state I think we're going to find him in."

A growl was heard from a nearby roof and the family of four turned to see Catwoman, Ivy, and Harley making their way over to them, an enraged look on Catwoman's face. "If that bastard even so much as looked at my son I will make him regret ever being born." 

Nightwing and Tim shuddered, reminding themselves to never get on Selina's bad side. 

Batman gave Selina a look but didn't say anything, just continued to lead the way to where Black Mask supposedly was. 

It didn't take long before the mashed up group of vigilantes and anti heroes got to their destination, looking through the very same skylight that Jason had previously been looking through earlier that night. 

Selina felt her blood simultaneously run cold and boil.

Below her, just a few stories beneath her, so close yet so far, was her son, bleeding heavily from his shoulder. 

Jason was dressed in Tim's Robin costume though it was barely recognizable now due to the tears and rips and blood desecrating the vigilante's outfit. The teen had a black eye, a clearly broken and bleeding nose, slashes all over his body along with forming bruises and what looked like a bullet wound in his shoulder. His head was hanging low as he was strapped to a chair, his arms bent and shackled behind his back, his ankles restrained to the legs of the chair, preventing any movement.

Tim swallowed hard, unsure if Jason could even move if he weren't restrained, or if he was even al - no, not going there. Jason has to be alive. He has to. 

Nightwing narrowed his eyes, turning to Batman. "How are we playing this? What's the pl - "

"You bastards!" Harley yelled, jumping down into the building with her bat in hand. She landed on the same catwalk Jason had earlier, smashing one of Roman's goons in the face. "How dare you hurt my little nephew!"

Ivy sighed, lowering herself after her volatile girlfriend. She glanced up at the vigilantes and thief. "The plan, Nightwing, is to rescue Selina's son, no matter the cost." 

And with that, Ivy joined the chaos her blonde girlfriend created. 

Batman turned to Catwoman, getting practically knocked back by the sheer anger radiating off the woman. "Selina - "

"Not now, Bruce. Not. Now." Selina grunted, jumping down after her friends. 

The Dark Knight sighed, looking at his kids. Well, his sons. Batgirl had already decided to join the fray. "Make sure they don't kill anyone."

"Sure thing." Nightwing nodded, leading the other two into the building and the battle for Jason's life. 

The four vigilantes had three objectives to complete for the fight.

One; save Jason and get him out of there, alive.

Two; detain Roman Sionis until the police show up.

And three; make sure Selina and her best friends don't kill anyone in the process.

Couldn't be too hard, right?


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