part sixteen

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another update on Jason day?? you bet your bottom britches! i got a boat load of inspiration for this story and i want to use that before its gone!

The two thieves sat on the rooftop of the Gotham Museum of Antiquities looking in through the sky light. Catwoman leaned back on her heels, turning to her son as she pulled her goggles off to look at him. Chuckling, the older thief shook her head slightly. "You want to run that by me again?"

Magpie pouted, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly. "Not if you're going to make fun of me."

Catwoman reigned in her laughter, looking at her protégé seriously. "I won't make fun of you, I promise."

Sighing, the young teen launched into his theory once more. " - and that is why I believe Tim Drake is Robin."

Humming, Catwoman pulled her goggles on once more. She sharpened her claws and reached for the sky light, her eyes on her work but her attention on her son. "So, basically, you have been trying to figure out Robin's identity out of spite since the day he rescued - "

"Ruined an operation of mine. "

" - you from the Black Mask goons and since he and Tim share the overwhelmingly rare ability to get under your skin - "

"I'm very tolerant of annoyances."

" - you latched onto the idea that they are the same person and decided to prove your theory by stealing Tim's phone and breaking into it for evidence that they are one and the same, only to come to startling realization that if he were Robin, he would have a separate phone and not use his civilian one for Robin business." Catwoman finished her summary at the same time as her glass cutting endeavors. She lifted the glass, placing it down next to her on the roof. Looking up at Magpie, she arched a brow under her goggles. "Did I miss anything?"

He huffed. "You missed the key detail that I discovered Robin-esque information on his civilian phone - which I know he planted afterwards through satellite software to throw me off his trail  - further solidifying the fact that he is Robin."

Catwoman clucked her tongue, attaching a rappelling rope to her belt and Magpie's. She checked the carabiners before nodding curtly. "I still believe that Tim is innocent until he himself admits to being Robin or Robin himself is unmasked."

Magpie groaned, rappelling into the museum after his mom. "That is such a polite way of saying I'm full of shi - "

"Hush." Catwoman spoke softly, landing on the ground next to her son. She looked around the room, pointing silently at the glass case on the far wall. 

Getting the hint, Magpie detached the carabiner from his belt and made his way over to the case, his mom following closely behind. As he walked, the young thief saw something from the corner of his eye and paused. He motioned silently to his mentor that he would be right back and she nodded, knowing the instinct and urge he felt was nigh irresistible. 

Continuing on with their original plan, Catwoman extracted their prize the glass case with little effort, turning around to see her son standing there with a smirk on his face and the pouch he wore around his waist full. She smiled at him, patting his head as she passed to go to the carabiners. 

Once back on the roof, Catwoman turned to Magpie with a huge smile as she replaced the glass she had previously displaced. "Well done, kitten. That was the quietest you have ever been on a heist."

The teen rolled his eyes, remembering what was in the pouch he carried. "I have a surprise for you when we get back home."

Catwoman kissed the top of Magpie's head before cleaning up their supplies. "Well, let's head home, shall we?"

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