part seven

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Our favorite cat themed thieves are back! Sorry it took nearly two months for an update, I have no excuse for that. Hopefully updates will be more consistent. Anyways, here is an update that is semi fluffly. Enjoy!

Jason bounced his leg nervously as he sat in the lobby of the city hall, watching as Selina spoke with the clerk at the desk. A moment later Selina waved him over to her, wrapping an arm around his shoulders once he was close enough.

"Jason, the folks of city hall have a few questions for us due to the unusual nature of our meeting. They'd like to chat with us, separately." Selina informed Jason, glancing at the clerk to make sure she got the information correct.

The clerk nodded. "That's right, hon. We just want to make sure everything is safe and appropriate about this situation." The clerk pressed a button on the phone, leaning in to the speaker part. "Jones, I have two people that want to see you about adoption." Leaning back, the clerk smiled at the duo. "It will just be a moment."

Selina smiled easily. "Thank you."

Jason looked up at Selina as the door behind the clerk opened and out stepped a rotund man with a clipboard in his hands. He cleared his throat. "Alright, Ms. Kyle and Mr. Todd, right this way." Selina led Jason after the man and down the series of hallways to a room. The man turned to Selina and Jason. "I would like to talk with Ms. Kyle first. Mr. Todd, have a seat out here. This will only take a few minutes."

Selina squeezed Jason's shoulder as she let go, whispering in his ear. "Everything will be alright, kitten. I promise you."

Jason nodded, watching as Selina disappeared behind the door with the man. He sat back down and continued to bounce his leg like he was doing earlier, his mind wandering to their conversation the night before.

"What are we going to tell them if they ask how we met, Selina? 'Cause we can't exactly tell them I was robbing the freaking batmobile."

"...that is exactly what we are going to do."

"What?! Why on earth would we do that?"

"Think about it like this, Jason. Here is what we are going to tell them; I found you in crime alley, minus Catwoman, stealing tires. I offered to take you home and forget about the situation when you tell me you have no home. That's when I, a fellow street kid, offer you to stay the night at my place. You stay the night and the next one and the rest is history."

"So we basically tell them the truth?"

"Yes. Minus the part about thievery and Catwoman. See, Jason, the best lies always have a grain of the truth in them."

"Alright. And what if they ask about education and doctors?"

"Again, we tell the truth. That we were waiting to make the adoption official before we found any of that as we knew nobody would allow me to enroll you if you weren't legally in my care."

"And the six months where I lived with you? What were we doing then?"

"Testing the waters. Bonding over movies. Exploring the city outside crime alley."

"Okay. Let's do this."

" - Todd?" Jason pulled himself out of his memories to look up, seeing Selina standing before him with the man the clerk had called Jones, the one who was currently trying to get his attention. He cleared his throat. "Mr. Todd. I am all done with Ms. Kyle. I would like to speak with you now."

Jason nodded, glancing at Selina as he followed the man through the open door. Selina smiled encouragingly at him as the door shut. Jason looked around the small office space, taking a seat across the desk from the man. "So, Jason, can I call you Jason?"

"Sure?" Jason shrugged.

"I just have a few questions for you about how you met Ms. Kyle, what living with her is like, etc., if that is alright." Jones cleared his throat once more. "So, how did you two meet?"

Jason launched into the edited version of how he met Selina, the one the two of them had prepared for this occasion. " - and when she offered me a place to stay after the first week, well, I figured why not? I had been there for that long already and she said it was an open door policy, that I could leave whenever I wanted to, if I wanted to."

"But you never wanted to?"

Jason smiled. "No. I like living with Selina. Our apartment is more of a home then my childhood apartment or the streets ever were."

"What is it you and Ms. Kyle do during the days?"

Jason shrugged. "You know, we watch movies, argue over them and who has the better taste in cinematography. We explore the city, seeing as I have barely seen anything past crime alley. We cook together sometimes, which usually leads to disaster. We argue over whether her cats should be named or not. I think they should be, especially Isis. Isis just seems like an Isis, you know? Selina doesn't think so, but I do, clearly."

Jones asked a few more questions, which Jason answered easily. Jones looked down at his paper. "Well, I'll go get Ms. Kyle to tell her the news." Jason felt his stomach twist itself in knots as the door opened and Selina walked in with Jones. She sat down next to Jason as Jones looked between them. "Ms. Kyle, Mr. Todd. I have come to the conclusion that...I do not see any reason that Ms. Kyle should not be allowed to adopt you. Everything checks out. Now, do you want to get started on the paperwork now?"

"Yes, please." Selina breathed out a sigh of relief as Jason beamed next to her, his heart pounding in his chest. He watched as Selina signed all the necessary documents and about an hour and a half later he was given his new paperwork with his new legal name. They walked out the front door of the city hall, Selina with her arm around Jason's shoulders once more. "Well, kitten, how does it feel to be the newly dubbed Jason Todd-Kyle?"

Jason smirked up at Selina. "Purr-fect."

Selina rolled her eyes, the grin never leaving her face. "I should've seen that one coming."

"You really should've. Now, are we going to go find me some schooling and doctors or food first?" Jason asked, following Selina down the street.

"Let's get those papers to the safe back home, then we will start calling around for doctors and schools after we order some take out, yeah?" Selina ruffled Jason's hair. "Two birds, one stone."

"What are we getting for food?" Jason's stomach grumbled at the same time he asked the question. "Man, sitting in city hall all morning really makes you hungry."

"Brunch food?" Selina suggested. "I'll have it delivered so by the time we get back it should be there."

"You are a godsend."

"Only the best for my little stray." 

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