Chapter Twelve

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   With the revelation that Seira had been spreading rumors to get what she wanted, his head had not stopped throbbing. His anger was a tangible as he stalked through the hall to find Nila. He found her in the library reading, his anger dissolving at the sight of her curled up in a chair. He shook his head to clear it as he peered at her relaxed face. He didn't want to interrupt whatever world she was in but knew he needed to let her know he had to step out. He cleared his throat, trying to remove the lump of emotion clogging his throat at the miracle he stood before. Her eyes slowly lifted to peer at him, glowing with love he had waited to see in someone's eyes for centuries.
"I need to step out for a while. I will be back before supper and the staff have been instructed to assist you in whatever it is you need."
"Where will you be?"
"The sorting office. I need to meet with my second in command on information I have received."
"Will you tell me what it was?"
"As soon as I get back from meeting with him love. Come here."
   She set her book down, coming to him without reservation. His eyes glowed as she approached, wrapping his arms around her waist, he leaned down and melded their lips together in a tender kiss that he had only given to her. When they broke apart, he rested his forehead against hers. He placed a kiss to her forehead before turning to exit the library. Once the door was clicked softly behind him, he closed his eyes and willed himself to his office. His second jumped in surprise at his sudden appearance, placing a hand on his rapidly beating heart with shuddering breathes.
"Jesus Lucifer! A warning would have been nice you know!"
"You knew I was coming to meet with you, is that not warning enough?"
"Not when you are going to start poofing in at random intervals its not! Christ man, I almost had to add heart failure to my list of near misses!"
"I apologize Ezekiel. Have a seat so we can get this done with. You know of my preliminary meetings with the soldiers of Seira's legion, yes?"
"Yes I do. How did that go by the way?"
"As expected. Most of them had similar stories of blackmail associated with their enrollment."
"Most of them?"
"Yea, most of them. The last few however have a different story to tell. They joined willingly based off what she had told them. They were not very pleased to find out she lied to them and offered startling news to me."
"What would that be?"
"She has been spreading news that I am not fit for the throne of hell and that she was going to dethrone me and take her rightful place. They were rather upset about finding out that was not the case."
"I am sure. We need to get the word spread through the ranks immediately just to ensure no further incident occurs. The legions already know what has happened to Seira and her private legion. Word will spread from there to others and hopefully prevent anyone else from having any bright ideas. So what will you be doing with the soldiers?"
"They will be assigned to soldiers for preliminary inspections until such a time that they prove where their loyalty lies. As for the ones that had joined willingly I do not know. What says you?"
"Well from the sounds they were pretty pissed that she lied about stuff, true?"
"I would say so yes."
"I say give them a chance. Assign extra soldiers to them during rotations until they prove that it was only a momentary lapse in judgement and go from there. Speaking of where was the queen today? Was she not suppose to start training with the ranks?"
"She was... Indisposed and I told her to wait until the morrow to start."
"Ah so our cold king as been turned to a furnace has he? Try not to indispose her again, the soldiers look forward to seeing her in action. Oh quit growling it is very childish. They do not care that she is a lady, they simply wish to see how skilled she is as a warrior."
   Another deep rumble echoed as he tried to clamp down on his surge of jealousy. He knew none of his soldiers would attempt to approach her in such a manner, however it did not stop the surges of heat coming off him in waves. Ezekiel chuckled softly before patting him on the back. His second had been with him for as he could remember, always serving him well. He had a wife and 2 children waiting at home for his return.
"Ezekiel, close down early today and spend time with your family. When I return to sorting, I want you to take a few days off and spend time with them."
"Where is that coming from? Are you feeling ok Lucifer?"
"Yes, just fine. You have served me all these years and it has occured you have never asked me for anything except the few days off marking your marriage and births of your children. I have been distant for to long. You have more than earned a vacation, before you grumble at me, I am well aware a prolonged vacation is not something you would tolerate. So just take a few days and spend it with your family before you return to your duties as my second. I shall be fine without you for that short of a time."
"What if something happens?"
"You will know. Your family will come first in this so no arguing with me."
"I do not know how to thank you. The kids' birthday party is coming up in a couple days and they will be surprised that I will be in attendance this year."
"Cherish the time. That is the only thanks I require. As soon as you have the next 50 souls sorted to where they belong, head home and hold them to you. I will return tomorrow to sort. Enjoy your days at home."
   As he flashed home, he saw a smile brighten his second's face as he typed on his phone. There was an odd feeling in his chest as he made his way towards the kitchen and the laughter he heard coming from there. He felt good about sending his second home. He marveled at the feelings he now felt after feeling nothing but cold for so long. He knew it was because of his warrior that he could feel again. He found himself smiling as he entered the kitchen, seeing her stirring something on the stove as she laughed openly with the staff member showing her what to add to whatever she was learning to make. His heart was complete as he watched silently, leaning against the door and drinking the sight of her in. Surely nothing could ruin this feeling again.

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