Chapter Seven

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    A proper ceremony was in a full planning frenzy as staff bustled about to get things ready. He watched from his corner that he had been shoved into as they brought deliveries in to set up. One thing he was sure of was that his staff deserved a raise at how efficient they were at getting what they had needed for the impromptu ceremony. He was making mental notes to himself when a staff member flagged his attention.
"Yes? What is it?"
"Sir, there is someone requesting your immediate attention at the door. She is quite angry that we would not permit her entrance to the house without your permission."
"Let me guess, it's Seira isn't it?"
"Yes sir. She is getting quite nasty to the staff blocking the door. I fear she will resort to violence soon."
"Don't worry, let us go see what she wants on this happy day."
   They walked towards the front door to the house. He shooed them back to preparations as he crossed his arms at the woman fuming at the door. He felt the anger rolling off her in waves as he simply arched a brow at her very unwelcome presence at his door.
"What are you doing here? I do not recall inviting you to my home."
"What is this I hear of a mating ceremony taking place inside your home? Why would you not tell me?"
"It was not and still isn't any of your business as to what takes place here. You were not invited so I will repeat myself one last time. Why are you here?"
"This should be my mating ceremony! It should be me that receives your mark and me that gets the throne! Who is it then? Who has stolen my place at your side?"
"She has not stolen something that never belonged to you to begin with. It has always been for her. You are to late to try and stop me, not that it would have worked. She already bears my mark on her skin."
"You lie! The ceremony has not started, there is still time for you to change your mind and put me where I belong!"
"I assure you that she does bear my mark. If you try to ruin this day for her I will end your existence so fast that you will not have time to protest. Your place is not here. This is your final warning. Leave this place or suffer the consequences of choosing not to. You are not welcome here."
   She was sputtering as he slammed the door in her face. Why did she not listen when he spoke to her? He would never have her at his side. He spoke softly to the staff to get guards stationed throughout the property. He would not risk his ex deciding to try something ridiculous with his rejection. His staff nodded vigorously before bustling him towards his study to get ready. Soon, his mating to Nila would be complete and she would be able to move throughout the realm as she pleased. He felt a familiar buzzing throughout his body as the time got closer to the ceremony. He felt uneasy, as if something was going to happen and he was helpless to stop it. He just needed to hold off the feeling until after the ceremony was complete. He paced his space while he waited, losing touch with the passage of time.
   He had been staring out the window of his study, watching his legions patrolling the property when a soft knock brought him out of his troubled thoughts. His most loyal staff was standing before him, bowed at the waist. The man had been on his staff since the beginning, serving loyally only requesting his family to join him in this realm. He would do this for him as a token of his gratitude to his loyal service. He marveled at feeling his loyalty to this man before him, realizing the man was more family than staff.
"Sir, it is almost time to begin."
"Thank you Mr.Loux. I believe there is someone waiting for you at the ceremony. Won't you accompany me to it?"
"Of course sir, but who would be waiting for me there?"
"You will see. Let us go now so that you have a few minutes before things get started."
   With a wave of his hand, he knew that this man would be happy as they walked towards the room they would be performing the ceremony in. He felt the shifting in his chest as they approached. Standing among the chairs was his family. He had known they had passed tragically just as his betrothed had. He felt a connection growing stronger to his most loyal staff as he patted the man on the shoulder and pointing.
"Mr.Loux you have served me loyally this last century, only asking me for one thing in return. Today I return your loyalty with your one request being fulfilled. Go now to them, rejoice with them as you witness my joining as family rather than staff. Spread the word like wild fire to the rest of the staff. Their place is here with us on this day. Change is coming to you all. Thank you for your servitude."
"I.. I do not know how to thank you sir. I will have them all gathered."
   A smile spread across his features, lightening the wrinkles of his face as he told staff to gather as he made his way to embrace his family. His chest expanded with an odd feeling as he watched Mr.Loux embracing his wife and children, a youthful aura returning to him as love bloomed across his face. He took his place at the alter as he waited for his love to begin her walk to him. He watched his staff filing in to fill the seats with uncertainty. Every one of his staff was reunited with their lost loved ones. Wifes, husbands and children collided together as they spotted each other. This was what she had done to him. As music began to play and he watched her walk towards him with a beautiful forest green gown on, he felt the sting of tears. She brought his humanity back and gifted him with life when he was only a shell of himself. From this day forward he would strive to show his staff that he was as loyal to them as they were to him. His new chapter was beginning with a warrior woman at his side. They could conquer any obstacle that would try to tear them apart now.

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