Chapter Three

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   The scent of food cooking woke him from his slumber. He felt around him, realizing that his bed was empty. He came to in an instant, slowly peering around the room. Had he dreamt everything? Surely his head was not that loose on its axis? He jumped from bed, prowling around, finding the clothes he had requested in the closet. He walked with long strides, following the scent of food and laughter. He breathed a sigh of relief as he found her in the kitchen, giggling with one of the maids as she chewed on a piece of bacon. He nearly tripped when he heard her voice as she slowly spoke in English as the maid encouraged her to read something he could not see. Sweet mercy they had begun to teach her to understand english! From what he could hear, she was picking it up with remarkable speed as she continued to slowly pronounce words. The maid looked his direction, nearly falling in her haste to step backwards. He held his hand up in surrender as he nodded to her before going to grab some coffee from the pot on the counter. The maid puffed a breath of relief out before continuing her lessons. He sat across from them as he leaned back to listen as she slowly began to speak faster. He pulled out a phone to text his second in command that he would be sorting for the day. He received a return message within a minute with confirmation.
"You are learning much quicker than most milady, you should be proud. Within a short few hours you can understand and even say a few things! We will take a break for now and continue before lunch. It is a pleasure to teach you."
   She smiled at the maid with a smile that seemed to light the room up at every dreary corner. He felt his heart swell painfully at the maid's praise of her. He made a mental note to give the maid a bonus for proactively teaching her English. Her eyes turned to him as he moved towards the chair across from her. She slid the plate of bacon towards him as he sat down. He plucked a piece to pop into his mouth as he eyed her.
"I am learning. This is ok?"
"Yes, it is ok. I was going to have you take lessons anyway. If you are to be at my side you will need to know and understand it."
"I understand. I...can not speak quickly yet... I am trying."
"You are doing well with it. Most take much longer to just understand it so do not fret. I fear before long we will have to find something else for you to learn to keep your mind busy. I have taken today off from sorting so that you can get to know the house and me. My second in command can handle the chore for a day. What do you wish to do until lunch?"
"Do you have book room? A...library I think she said."
"Yes, a library. Yes I do have one would you like to see it?"
   He smiled at her enthusiasm to see his library. He stood, depositing his cup into the sink before holding his hand out towards her. She placed her small hand into his as he lead her up the stairs towards his library. It was a massive room that he had been collecting works to fill for centuries. Most of his collection were originals he had gotten before they even became valuable. Most have been read by him several times, the wear and tear showing in his love of reading. She broke free of his grasp to bounce around the shelves, looking at each section of hand made shelves, running her fingers lovingly across the spines as she went. She turned to him with question as she eyed a book with longing. He nodded to her as he made his way to a chair in the corner to watch her plop herself down with book in hand. She read in silence for hours until the maid called up to announce lunch was ready. He stood and stretched, feeling his shirt ride up his abdomen. When he was finished he looked over to see her eyeing him, licking her lips before locking eyes with him. She was going to be the death of him if she continued to stare at him in such a manner. He picked a book mark up off the desk and handed it to her to mark her page. He held his hand out to her to help her off the floor where she sat. He placed the book down, leading her back down to the kitchen to eat lunch and have another lesson. His self control was certainly going to be tested over the course of this month. How long was he going to be able to remain in control of his urges? May the heavens have mercy on his tortured soul.

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