Chapter Fourteen

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   He had set the folder aside as he continued to attempt focus on his other duties. He sent a text to his second in command about setting up a meeting with him about the soldiers before getting a stack of formal requests he has been putting off. He read through the first request, sighing at how trivial most of these seemed to end up being. He signed his name at the bottom before placing his approval stamp in the box next to his signature. This went on for what seemed like hours before he got a reply from his second.
'Do you need me now?'
'No it can wait.'
'Just say the word and I will be there.'
'Losing it already?'
'It has not been very long. Truthfully I believe you are exaggerating just a bit.'
'I do not know how she puts up with these demons night and day. The youngest has already peed on the carpet and the oldest is already trying to convince me to over ride her mother's decision on getting her a cell phone. Truly the most terrifying is my wife. I have not been home for more than a few hours and she already has projects stacked up for completion before I return to my duties.'
'Ah, yes the life of a family man. You should be enjoying this immensely.'
'You will not be far behind me! Soon you shall also be trying to find a reason to work just to escape the busy life of a family man as you so graciously put it.'
'Watch what you say Ezekiel or I shall extend your vacation.'
'Do not even think about extending it! I shall be buried in these projects before noon tomorrow, mark my words.'
'I shall not extend it any further. We will meet the morning of your return unless something happens before then. Enjoy your family, demons or not. You won't get this time back.'
'Truly not. Regardless of their temperament I should not likely give it up for anything else. Keep me posted on whatever is happening.'
   He smiled down at his phone, a wonderment it was that he truly cared for his second in command. He continued on with his work until a soft knock gained his attention. Nila stook her head around the door to peer in at him in question. He looked at the time, shocked that he had been working on piles of files for so long. He peered at his completed basket of files, wondering how he had not noticed how many he had completed prior to her knocking. He beckoned for her to enter as he stood up to stretch his aching muscles. She smiled up at him as she walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around his midsection as she rested her head on his chest.
"How goes it in here?"
"I think I shall continue tomorrow. How have you been occupying yourself tonight?"
"I have met with some of the soldiers of your legion tonight about what is to happen in the morning and then read in the library. I read until my stomach gurgled at me that it was hungry. I stopped to see if you would care to join me in a late night snack before bed."
"I think I will accept your offer. What shall we get to snack on love?"
"I was thinking some cheese and crackers. Lillith said that some was picked up and suggested I give it a try when I was feeling peckish. She also suggested that I give some of the sliced meat a try with it. What says you?"
"I think she has made an excellent suggestion. I believe my favorite sliced meat is in the fridge. I think you will enjoy the aged cheddar they provide for me. Let's go get some. Would you like to eat in the kitchen or in our room?"
"I think the kitchen is best. I do not want to make a mess of things so late."
"Kitchen it is then love."
   He grabbed her hand as they walked together down to the kitchen. When was the last time he simply enjoyed time with anyone? It must have been a while as nothing was coming to mind. They laughed together as he sliced up some cheese as she gathered some sliced meat and crackers to put on a plate. They sat down together, enjoying the bite of the cheese and the smoky flavoring of the meat with a hint of salt from the crackers. The feeling of unease returned to him as they cleaned up their mess and headed for bed. Something about that soldier was not sitting in his gut well. He pulled out his phone to send an alert out to his soldiers to keep an eye on the soldiers from Siera's legion. Something big was going to happen and it was just a matter of time before he found out what it was. Nila felt his unease as they curled up in bed together. She turned over to face him, peering at him in question waiting for him to tell her.
"I do not like the feeling I am getting about one of the soldiers serving penance for their treason."
"What will you be doing about it?"
"I do not know. I don't know what this feeling of unease is. It could be that this soldier has something planned or it could be something bad is going to happen to him. I can not decide what it is yet."
"Will you be meeting with him tomorrow?"
"I think it may be an excellent idea to do."
"You will tell me what happens after I am finished with the soldiers?"
"Of course. You are my queen and will know of anything happening."
   She smiled at him with tired eyes as they drifted off to sleep. The feeling of unease persisted even as he closed his eyes to let sleep overtake him. He would get to the bottom of things and hopefully prevent anything else from happening. He just hoped he could figure out what it was in time.

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