Chapter Sixteen

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   He rubbed his hands down his face as he stared at the wall in his office. He had been sorting souls for a few days and felt every minute of it weighing him down as if a weight sat on his shoulders. His second was out in search of Lennon or the woman who claimed to be her in any case. It had been days since he set out in search of anything that would indicate where she had gone. He was ready to start pulling large chunks of his own hair out with waiting to find out what was going on around his own damn realm. A ding on his phone startled him out of his self distructive thoughts. He leaned back in his chair as he opened the message, his hands sweating when he noticed it was his second texting him.

'Get back to the office at the house. We have an update that you are going to want to see to believe. Someone will be there in a few minutes to take over sorting souls for the day.'

'On my way.'

   He closed his eyes willing himself back to his home. Opening his eyes, he strode with purpose to his office to meet with his second and whatever update he felt was so important to call him away. As he strode into the office, his heart nearly stopped beating before slamming itself against his ribs at the site that greeted him. Standing in his office was Lennon herself staring off with his wife and his second in command looking panicked. He looked back and forth between the 3 with concern before clearing his throat to indicate he had arrived. Lennon jumped from the noise as Nila turned her head, a smile breaking out across her face lighting the room. He smiled back as he approached her, wrapping her in a hug and kissing her lips before he turned to his second with an eyebrow raised in question.

"Lucifer so glad you could join us. I found Lennon and brought her here for you to question. When I was bringing her in here, Nila saw what I was doing and followed me in here. I honestly think they may have resorted to blows if you had not shown up to sort this."

"Surely you would have thought of something to keep that from happening until I got here. Now, Nila would you like to sit in or go back to whatever you were doing when he arrived?"

"I will sit in on this. I would like to know what is going on."

"Ok then let us commence. Everyone have a seat."

   Nila took a seat behind his desk as his second took a seat near the door. Lennon stood in front of the desk eyeing him with suspicion. He motioned to the chair sitting in front of his desk to emphasize his point, only being met with more suspicion. His eyes started to glow as anger rushed through his blood stream. He was met with startled eyes as she dropped herself into the chair. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before taking a seat near Nila as he watched Lennon shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"Lennon, I assume you know why you are here so let's get this over with. Why were you meeting with one of my soldiers and getting floor plans to my house?"

"Why waste my breath when you think you know what I was doing?"

"It will do my soul good to know what you were doing from your own mouth. You are well aware that you are already in hot water just from faking your own death in a battle that wiped out many who I buried with my own hands. Now, please do tell what you were doing meeting with my soldier."

"I was meeting with him to get plans to your house as you have already made it plain that you were aware of. It was to place protection charms on the house against attack. The soldier was having bad feelings that something was going to happen and had sought me out. I have been keeping an eye on you since that day on the battlefield. I could no longer stand to fight but could watch for your safety. I tried to warn you of Siera's treacherous ways but you seemed to distance yourself on your own. I knew something big was coming and when he had come looking for me I knew whatever was going to happen was big. You saved my life to many times to count so I was trying to protect you in return."

"What would make you think that I need protection and why reveal yourself now of all times?"

"Whatever is coming will either make you or break you Lucifer. I have seen a future that will not do anyone any good. I did not wish for you to know that I still lived but this was to important not to get involved in. Should you die, the realm as we know it will no longer exist. Souls will no longer get sent where they belong and this realm will be over run with chaos. When I got involved with that young soldier I saw a glimpse at a different future. I allowed myself to be discovered in the chance that I can make sure that future happens instead. I may no longer be a fighter but I can still be of use to secure the future."

"So if you saw a glimpse into the future then you should know what is coming. What is it and how do we stop it?"

"That is not how this works. I can see the outcome of what happens but not what occured to cause it. I can ward the house and the surrounding area with various charms and spells but it will be up to you to figure out how to proceed. If you wish it, I will remain here until whatever is coming hits. With preparation, you will hopefully succeed and the realm will remain in peace."

"So it shall be then. Ezekiel make the preparations for her. Get the soldiers rounded up, we have planning to do."

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