Part 29: Plan

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// Soooo... some requested to make this MPREG. I actually planned it before but I changed my mind since all of my stories were MPREG already... but since you guys requested it and I love you all, I have decided that I'll grant your request. We will have additional chapters on this since I will insert the initial plan I have for making this MPREG. //


"I need you to do something for me" Fai said looking at the smirking man sitting in front of him.

"You need to know Fai that they're engaged already. Also, maybe you forgot but you're going to face the only heir of the powerful family in Asia, I doubt your family can withstand that" The man said, she just smirked.

"Well, I don't care whatever or who he is, he messed with me. He should pay." She said with full of anger.

"Oh, enlighten me what exactly he did?" The man said twirling the ice on his glass while looking bored.

"He took what is mine. He trashed my father's company, he is a bitch. I'll kill him and that slut best friend of him" Fai said, she blames Gulf with everything.

"He trashed your company? Whose doing is that?" The man asked amused.

"Whose accomplice are you?" She throws dagger at the smirking man.

"The winning sides" He winked.

"And that's me!" She grips on her glass tightly and gritted her teeth. Gulf must be gone from Mew's life as soon as possible and I will anything and everything to accomplish that, she thought.

"Well, call me if you have the plan. Until then" The man puts the glass back to the table, he stand up and left the still raging Fai who is lost in her own thoughts.


"I'm sorry you two. Until this project is over, you cannot make official announcement of your engagement" Max said and Tul is just nodding his head. They're already back in Thailand and they're at Mew's condominium. The couple were breaking the news to their other colleagues and to their manager about the engagement.

"So, you two were okay now? No more break ups or what?" Tul asked eye teasing the Engaged couple. The others just laughed.

"We are" Mew said as he pull his lover to embrace him in front of everyone and the blushing Gulf hide his face on Mew's shoulder.

"Oyy! Let me you something about Gulf. When you two were hmmpp-" Mild was cut-off since Gulf jumps at him to cover his mouth. 

"Gulf was stalking you, I can't imagine oh my god!" Jaa teased, earning a glare from Gulf. 

"Shut up Jaa! As if you didn't do that with first" Gulf rebuked while rolling his eyes.

"Oh, you just know how crazy he is at you" Bright added, their other friends were laughing and Mew giggles. Gulf is so embarrassed from his own doing, he chased Bright who is running for his life.

"Kanaloves... does it ring a bell" It was Fighter who spoke. Gulf throw him the pillow which was catch by Zee since Fighter dodge it. 

"Stop it you guys. My baby is shy" Mew walks and grab Gulf, he cover Gulf's ears. Mild and Jaa teased him more.

"Babeeeee... They were teasing me" Gulf said using his baby voice and look up at Mew, looking like a scared kitten. Mew just chuckled at his fiancé's cuteness and pinch his bready cheeks. Gulf whines so Mew pecked his lips.

"One more" Gulf puckered his lips and Mew happily kissed his lover like they're the only people in the room. 

"Eww.." Mild said, faking his disgust.

"Yuck.." Jaa said and pretends to vomit.

"Shut up singles!" Bright said kissing Win on the cheeks earning a smack on his biceps. 

"Okay! Okay! Enough flirting!" Max rolled his eyes "By the way guys, were you informed by your managers that you will attend a party this coming Friday night?" Saint and Zee nods their head. 

"I wasn't informed... yet" Win sulkily said, looking at Bright while the latter just shrugs.

"Well yeah, you know it now. So I want you all to prepare for it, okay? I also got extra invitations for the rest." Tul said and the team okayed in chorus. 

"What's this party for, phi?" Mew asked. Usually the notice should be given to actors weeks prior to the event but this one seems to be rushed.

"As per the management, this one was arranged by the sponsors" Tul answered.

"Is this exclusive to the cast only? or other actors in the company were also invited?" Mew asked again. 

"As far as I know that other actors in the company were also invited" Max answered this time and Mew just nodded. 

"Well thats it. Well be leaving, it seems you two were hungry for each other" Max said winking at Gulf. 

"Right! My single ass can't relate" Mild said abruptly standing up, grabbing his things. 

Mild and the rest leaved leaving just Mew and Gulf in the house. 

"Sooo... Tell me, who is this kanaloves?" Mew teased Gulf while the latter just pout. "naaaa.. come on baby tell me." Gulf hands his phone to Mew. 

"hahahaha.. baby, you're not so in love and obsessed with me that much huh?" Mew said as keeps looking at the phone browsing through Gulf's IG and Twitter. 

"Do you think that I will accept you back easily if I am not?" Gulf scoffed and Mew's still laughing at Gulf. 

"I love you so much too! I actually know it was you" Mew said smiling ear to ear. 

Gulf looked at him in disbelief, "W-what? h-how?" Gulf asked.

"Well at first, I thought It was just a coincidence that someone sends me some sunflowers at one of my events with a gift only you would give me but then when you send me that figurine and groom bunny last Christmas, that when I know that kanaloves is you" 

"Because You blocked me! You blocked me everywhere!" Gulf accused.

"I didn't! You did!" 

"Come here, let's switch your account and check" Mew said as he taps his lap asking Gulf to sit on it which the latter didn't deny.

With few taps and clicks from the phone, Mew showed Gulf that he was he one who blocked him not the other way around. 

"...but I didn't do it! wait... Ai'Bright! he is the culprit!" Gulf's eyes widened "He will have his Karma! I will make his lover suffer" Gulf grins, he take the phone from Mew and unblock him in everything. 

Mew peppered Gulf's neck with light kisses. "When are we going to marry?" 

"After graduation, that would be atleast 3 years. Can you wait for me?" Gulf asked Mew blinking his eyes looking at him pouting. 

Mew playfully bit Gulf's lips, "Of course I will wait for you no matter how long!"

"Thank you phi. I love you"

"I love you too baby. I love you so much" 

"Okay! can we eat then sleep phi? I'm hungry and sleepy" Gulf whines like a kid.

"We just eat you know?" Mew said raising his eyebrow. 

"...but I'm hungry again and sleepy! I want chicken from KFC!" Gulf said walking to Mew's room. "Wake me up once the food arrives!" 

"Okay!" Mew just shake his head. 


// Yezz this is one lame lazy ass chapter 😂🙈

Happy new year everyone!

Lovelots ❤️💙

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