Part 23: Kanaloves

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After that incident with Mew at Gulf's condo. Bright swore that he won't let Mew near Gulf again outside their work. Win also came and he understands the two. Win knows how the two treat each other, how they love each other and if you really don't know them it will really lead you to a conclusion that they're in a relationship. Win also swore that he will do his best to block Mew from approaching Gulf.

Their other friends also arrived the ones from Philippines which Gulf's dad sponsored. They're all living in one house. Gulf's father asked the two if they want to move with their friends but they declined. Gulf wants to stay in building. He got all the good and bad memories there and he is not ready to let it go yet. 

"You're still stalking him" Bright said while cuddling with Win. 

"Let me be! I just can't throw my feelings away, you know? I loved the man for more than 5 Years" Gulf said as he puffed his cheeks. 

"Correction! Love not Loved!" Fighter said teasing him. They all gathered at Gulf's condo with Zee, Saint and Mild. They were all laughing happily, moral support for Gulf. 

Everyone heard what Mew did and they're all disappointed at him. They're still civil on set but Gulf's distanced himself from Mew if the camera's not rolling. 

"Kanaloves? Who is that? You even went as far as to create a new IG and Twitter account just for him? why don't you get back with him instead?" Mild butted in as he snatched Gulf's phone. 

"Hey Mild! Give it back!" Gulf pouted. It has been a month and Gulf's almost back to his usual self before he went into relationship with Mew. Almost. Sometimes his friends would catch him staring at Mew while he is shooting, sometimes when a news about Mew suddenly pop up, Gulf would tear up. Sometimes, he just looking far away in dazed holding Mew's picture. 

One time Bright had enough and could no longer take it that his best friend is hurting. He couldn't control himself and went to Mew to punch him in the face and Mew just let him. If it's not for Max who stopped him, he will beat Mew up thoroughly but that will hurt Gulf too. 

"He also sends him Gifts!" Zee exclaimed. Zee caught Gulf one time asking someone to send Mew Gifts in one of Mew's events under the name of 'Kanaloves' since it's Christmas. 

"Why do we have a stupid friend again? Ah right! He is In love!" Jaa said sarcastically and the other just laughed at him. Gulf's really something. Who would still love someone that no longer trusts you. 

 "Stop teasing him guys. You don't know that he message Mew every night using that newly created account of his" Win added and crack a laugh. 

"You guys are making fun of me! You can leave my house! Shoo!" Gulf pouted which earned him a pinch on the cheeks from Zee and Win. 

"Uyy.. We are waiting for you to cook for us!" Mild said and Jaa slapped his head. 

Gulf thanks his friends for supporting him in his dark days. For being there for him, guiding and protecting him. Gulf didn't know the attempts of Mew to reach out to him. Bright's the one who blocked Mew's number and all his social media account. Gulf thought it was the other way around. 

On the other side Mew is no where different. He misses Gulf bigtime. He attempts to talk to the younger but he was dismissed by his friends. They're always with Gulf, he also went to Gulf's condo unit to properly apologize but he was shooed away by Bright and Win who is always by Gulf's side. 

There's also this new comer that is very close with Gulf. If Win and Bright is not with him the guy named Fighter is always with him and he acts close to Gulf, too close. Mew is jealous all the time, that should be his place, he should be the one taking care of Gulf but he ruined it all. He is now ready and will just take everything Gulf will offer to him. He tried to message the other but it seems his accounts were block including his phone number. 

Mew found the Invitation and the Letter Gulf slip to his house. The one he throw but can no longer find it when he searched for it. He opens the letter and his tears starts pouring. 

To My Love,

I don't know if you can read this on time. Please come to my birthday party. I know I've hurt and I am sorry for that. Dad wants to know if you're really the right one for me. He want to know if you have the guts to fight for us after learning the truth. I love you Mew, never doubt that. The engagement with Bright is when we were young and those are jus stupid promises of our parents. They're best friends and were best friends too but that's all there is to it. Win is coming with us to Australia and I hope you will too. Bright will surely going to be engage to Win and I hope to be engage to you too. I know its too fast but I love so much and I'm read for it you know. 

If you're not coming, my dad might setup me up to the son of one of his business partner and I don't want that. Please my love.

I'm sorry for being selfish but I really want you Mew. You don't know how happy I was when you first followed me. When you replied to my messages, when you messaged me first. Our epic first meeting. I love everything about you including your flaws. 

I'm sorry, I'm not really good at writing letters but I guess I conveyed all the things I want to tell you. I love you Mew, so please forgive me and comeback to me my love. 

If you read this on time and decides to follow me, here's my family address xxxxx. 

Yours, just yours and will only be yours,

Gulf your baby.

Mew's crying at the letter that Gulf gave him. If he just reads it, they would be happy now an might be engage already. If he just didn't throw the letter away, he might not have doubted him which he already regretted, once again, his judgement was clouded by his emotions and anger. 

He wants to punch himself, he want to hurt himself, he deserves all the punch that Bright gave him. Every night he is crying himself to sleep. He is feeling every that he caused himself. If only he could turn back time he will do it. 

He shut himself from the world once the camera stopped rolling. He ignored all his friends, he deserve to be alone. He remembers their firs date and first kiss, their first time. Their first get away, Their first fight. 

Mew's phone rings that pulls him out of his memory lane trip. It was from unknown number.



"Y-Yes, this is Mew Suppasit" 


"Yes sir. I do sir."


"I... I don't know sir"


"I'm sorry. I-I won't do it again. I love him" Mew teared up, talking to the man. 


"Yes sir, right away sir" 


"See you soon"

Mew stared at his phone once the caller hangs-up the phone call. He couldn't believe what was just offered to him.

Mew grabbed his phone and take a photo of the envelope that contains the letter and slightly blur it but still recognizable. He opened his IG and post the picture as well as on twitter with the caption:

Wait for me my love. 

Yours, just yours and will only be yours, Mew, your boo

and Kanaloves has yet to see what Mew posted since he is busy with his friends. After all only Max knows the design of the envelope and aside from the Mew and Gulf no one knows they call each other boo and bii.

// I'm not supposed to update today but it's Gulf's birthday so here's a gift for everyone

Lovelots ♥️

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