Part 19: Birthday

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// Thank you for your comments, I don't reply but I read them 🤗
I wanted to update this part yesterday but I was too tired 😂🙈🙊

Btw I made a mistake, I double used Zee's name. So I changed the other one to Fighter instead. Forgive me 🙏😅 //

They went back to Bangkok earlier than expected. Mew's not talking with Gulf and Win does the same with Bright.

Bright gave the invitation cards to the three and said if they can come they should jist go to the airport and show the invitation and they will be guided to the private plane that will bring them to Aussie.

They landed in Bangkok and Mew rides his car alone leaving Gulf. Gulf ride with Mild since Bright will go with Win.

Mild didn't ask Gulf about what happened with Mew and about the issue. Gulf is still in dazed and just reply with hums and nods with every conversation attempt of Mild which he eventually gave up.

Upon reaching the building, Gulf thanks Mild and went straight to his room. The moment he closed the door, He breaks down, he cried his lungs out. He tried calling Mew but he won't answer. He tried sending messages to him in every messaging applications and social media platforms but no avail he didn't read them. He is hurt but he should've fight along side with Gulf.

Gulf thinks that he is unworthy of Mew now. That he is not loved by Mew that much, that maybe Mew might be good without him and it pains him. Maybe he is not worth fighting for. Maybe Mew is right, if this life still permits for them to be, then be it.

They are again on their private plane flying to Aussie, 3 more days and it's Gulf's birthday. Gulf is not talking, he is just silent and looking at the window, sometimes he wipes his tear and sob silently but that's about it. Bright want to console his best friend but he knows he need his distance, his alone time.

It's not just the two of them in the plane. Win is with them. He came with Bright and how Gulf wished Mew would be here with him too but he isn't.

He remembered that before going to the airport, he dropped by at Mew's place. He knocks, he calls him, he waited but Mew didn't talk to him. He didn't reply, he didn't open the door that Gulf is sure he is inside. Gulf slide the invitation with the letter. He then left crying and saying goodbye to his love.

Once they arrived at home, Gulf's father is waiting for them. Gulf immediately run to his father hugged him and cried.

"Sshhh.. It will be alright son. Maybe, he will come around"

"No dad. He broke up with me. I... I love him. He doesn't want me anymore" He cried harder this time.

"Its okay son, its okay. Sshhh..." His dad caressed his hair.

"Come in, come in. You must be Win right?" Win just nodded at Gulf's father. The old man just smiled and lead them inside.


Gulf wake up in his bed, he might have fallen asleep crying in his father's embrace. He is hungry and tired and exhausted. He doesn't want to go down to eat but his stomachs rambling and asking for food.

He saw his parents with Bright's and then Win and Bright is with them too. Bright's mom saw him and called him.

"Son, go and eat then join us here" He just nodded and heat his food. Once done eating, he was dragged to the living room with their family including Win.

"Baby... Bright's boyfriend is so cute and funny" It's his mother who speak, Win just smiled shyly. Win was introduced as Bright's boyfriend and luckily their family agreed to it. He hold his tears, how he wish that Mew would be there with him too but he isn't. He chose to stay behind, he chose to let go of Gulf.

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