Part 22: Pictures

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// Me being the main antagonist of this story will not give us happy ending yet 😂😈😈

Here we go.

Instead of going directly to Gulf's condo, Mew went back to his place first. He has to organise his thoughts and compose the words he need to say to Gulf. He wants the other guy to accept me back and let him feel that he is sincere, that he is stupid and his emotions have taken over him, that he didn't think thoroughly when he decided to break it off and end things with him, that he is not rational, that he should hear him out properly first, that he should fight for him. Mew just hopes that it's still not too late for them.

He is staring at the ceiling when his phone rings, he looked at the caller and his brows crooked before he answered the call.

// You can answer someone else's phone call but not Gulf's 🙄😂 //

"What do you want?" Mew asked using a stiff tone. He doesn't mind being rude to the caller, the important person for him now is just Gulf and Gulf alone.

"Wow, not even a 'Hello' dear?"  The caller said teasingly which made Mew annoyed even more.

"What do you want?" You can sense in his voice that he is annoyed. The caller just laughed at him.

"I heard that you and that little liar, cheating heir have broken up?" The other said in a mocking tone.

"Don't call him a liar! What are you up to now?" Mew said irritated. Ever since that night at the party or the Banquet he hates this person guts more.

"I'm actually not up to something, but that boy is. Did you know him and Bright is in a relationship while you were with him?" What nonsense is she spouting now?

"They're best friends, if that's what you mean and Bright is now engage" Mew defended Gulf. He knows how the relationship of the two is and how they care for each other.

"Mew oh Mew. They were engage prior to that official announcement and  yes! Those were the time that you are still together. You really don't know huh? I got evidence for you, then you tell me if that's the action of being just best friends" She said still mocking and hinting Mew.

"What are you trying to say? That he cheated on me?" 

"Bingo! I've sent the pictures, it's up to you if you believe me or not" said the caller before hanging up the call. 

Mew received a series of pictures, he can recognize some of them. Those were the pictures of Gulf and Bright. One Gulf hugged Bright at the bar also, Gulf walking from the parking lot with Bright holding his hand, Gulf hugging Bright, Gulf in the bench with Bright while Gulf's hand is at Bright's thigh holding his hand, then same position while Gulf's hand looks rubbing the back of Bright. Another of those pictures they seem to be at the mall, Gulf's clinging at Bright's arm while the other is pushing the cart, also there's where Bright's pointing the condoms while Gulf seems to be flustered, another is at the restaurant with Bright wiping Gulf's mouth and so many more but what caught his attention is the audio clip where Gulf and Bright were talking and he played it and it's a clip about them discussing about the engagement, where Bright seems to just laughed it off and Gulf sounded to sarcastic. The clip is cut but the furious Mew didn't noticed it. There's another one that caught his eyes which seems Gulf and Bright were kissing also, there's time stamps when those pictures were taken. (part 6-8) Mew's trying to connect the dots and really came out the conclusion of the two cheating on them. Some of those pictures were new. He wants Win to know those pictures too.

// Mew dear, you didn't connect sh*t 😂 //

The rational side of Mew still thinks that it might just be the closeness of the two, after all he is one of the witness how the two interacts. He dismissed those thoughts and let himself be clouded by his emotional judgment.

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