Part 34: News

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No one's POV.

That very morning before the sun rise and before everyone can take their coffee a series breaking news came.

"Fai Siwa and her Father is in jail for attempted homicide. Siwa company has declared its bankruptcy."

"Hai Sarunsathorn, Mr. Smith also got charged for the same case. Attempted Homicide together with three police who helped and hide the evidence and the waiter at the famous hall and its former owner. Mr. Smith's company also just declared its bankruptcy."

" Another news is the Suppasit corporation is losing huge revenue as this news transverse. The stocks were decreasing but they haven't declared bankruptcy yet. Nothing about them filed about the homicide. Is it just pure coincidence or is the issue related?"

"The one who filed the case is Mr. Kanawut himself. He visited Thailand. Is this the same incident with what happen to his only son, the rising actor Gulf Kanawut? None of the party's given their official statement yet."

"Fvck scary!" Bright said. The boys have gathered that night to wait for the result. Bright knows Gulf's father enough. He will not wait, he wants justice to be served right away and no one can escape.

"Suppasit corp.? Why did Mew's father got involved?" Zee asked. Mew's father is always on the background and work in the shadow. Mew never wished to be part of his father's empire but that empire bow that his father built got crushed but the powerful one.

"We don't know unless father himself tell us what happened" Bright sighed. He hopes that whatever this is, it won't change the relationship of the two because for sure they will nurse a broken Gulf again and this time they will make sure that Mew will not have Gulf back.

"Do you know what did father do?" Fighter asked, Bright shakes his head. He doesn't know. All he know is Gulf's father is powerful enough to destroy big companies in just a matter of time or should we say - that overnight and he was able to destroy three companies, gather up all the evidence and accused those who are needed to be.

"From the news, it seems the chief of justice himself and its elite squad is the one who handles the case. Talk about power" Win said. Win's family is also formidable but not as powerful as Gulf's.

Their discussion were disturbed by a phone call. It's Bright's phone and the caller is the one and only Mr. Kanawut.

"Father..." Bright answered.

"Hello son. I have a favor to ask"

"Of course father anytime, how can I help?" Brighy said, who would've dare to say no to Mr. Kanawut himself.

"don't so modest son." The old man laughed, "Well, mother and I will be flying back to Australia in few hours. I have something urgent there. Can you take care of the case for me? The lawyer will contact you about this and how to proceed. All the evidence will be emailed to you too. The lawyer got his own copy and what you will have is a back up. You can go through it with fighter, he is much knowledgeable about this stuff, after all he is a future lawyer. Also, I know I should be the one to do this but apologize to Mew for me please. I destroyed his father's company but I spared his father from being in jail. I can only do that for him and that's the least that I can do. Will you do that favor for me son?" The old man requested. Bright got overwhelmed with the request but despite that he still managed to agree.

"Of course father. I will be happy to help"

"Thank you son. I will leave it to you then. I have to go now. I will see you soon alright? Even if you both are engaged, the family dinner still stands! And that's in two weeks" The old man teases and hang up the call

After the phone call with Gulf's father, Bright received the email - the evidence. They were beyond shocked.

There's a video of how Fai pushed Gulf first from the top of the stairs but he was abke to support himself and hold midway but he was forced to let go by Hai and was thrown to the floor. Gulf managed to put a protective arm on his belly to avoid the huge impact. He protected his babies. They were furious.

There's a video and recording of Mr. Siwa helping his daughter as a revenge to what happened to his company.

Mew's father is the one who cleaned up their mess. Hai works for Mr. Suppasit and despite the power and money the Kanawuts have, he cannot stand his son to be married to a man. Thus, he helped them.

"Fvck, how Mew will react? It's his father after all." Saint said. He is worried not only for Gulf but for Mew too.

"His father versus his future wife and kids. A tough one indeed." Mild said, shaking his head. The very first time, Mild said something serious. The boys throw him a who-are-you look. "You shits, I can be serious at times you know?" He said glaring everyone.

"We have to quit dawdling here. Let's go to the hospital before Mew misunderstood"

"You guys are here early." Mew said as the boys entered the room. Gulf is awake too and is sitting on the bed.

"Did.. Did you see the news?" Bright started. Nothing is a good time to discuss it but that very moment.

"I did. About Fai and Hai?" Mew answered. He eyed Bright. The other are in their own world but certainly listening to the conversation.

"That and your father" Bright said. Mew's eyes went wider, Gulf's too.

"W-What about my father?" Mew asked.

"Well, he helped with case. His was spared from being in jail but his company must be bankrupt by now. Maybe dad - Gulf's father bought all the shares." Bright said with hesitation. Nothing is best to say a bad news but to tell it to the person straight face.

"W-what?" Mew couldn't believe what he heard. His father helped to harm the love of his life and now his father's company is being crushed. The company he knows how his father worked for since he is young is gone just like that.

"babe... You okay? I'm sorry for what happened to your dad's company" Gulf placed his hand on Mew's shoulder, the elder guy looked up to him, he is sad and hurt. Gulf is expecting that Mew will be angry. He too is trying to process the news that Bright just delivered but he is afraid that his Fiancé will leave him again.

Gulf know himself that it's useless to talk to his dad about letting go of the Suppasit corp.

"M-Mew, babe, are.. are you going to leave me again? I- I don't think I can handle it anymore" Gulf said, retracted his hand from Mew's shoulder. Gulf's starting to tear up. He is over thinking.

Mew looked at Gulf. The boys were just waiting for Mew's answer. If he answer it wrong, he will be chased out of the hospital and Gulf's life.

Mew luckily picked up what the other was thinking, so he quickly go to the younger and hug him.

"Sshhh... Don't cry babe. That's not good for our babies. I'm not going to leave you, like I promised. Never again." Mew sighed, "I was just thinking why father didn't contacted me first. We should have cleared it with him properly too. We could have a talk instead of harming you." Mew said, there's a hint of anger in his voice but not towards Gulf.

"It was our fault to begin with. We didn't visit your family" Gulf said as he wiped his tears using Mew's shirt.

"Hmmm.. Its okay. I'll talk to dad and we will visit him soon. Let us let this issue past first. Dad must be agitated right now, loosing his company" Mew said. Somehow that made the atmosphere inside the room cleared. He can feel piercing glares towards him, he is afraid that one wrong word and he won't see his family anymore.

"... Will he attend our marriage?" He asked. Gulf is a family person. Family blessing is a must for him.

"I'm not sure but if he loves me then he will" Mew smiled and kissed Gulf's forehead.

"What's this marriage I'm hearing?" Mild butted in. The rest of the boys can't help but to face palmed.

"Yeah, uhmm... We decide to get married after shooting. So that's a month from now. We won't declare it to the world yet until the end of the series" Mew answered. The others eyed them knowingly.

"Okay... They're saying, they want to have sex legally, as married. Okay we got you. Loop us in with the preparation" Bright answered, rolling his eyes. Earning a laugh from the boys and glare from the two.

"Oh don't worry. You all have to help with the preparation cause after all, you all our dear guests. So do everything to please yourself" Gulf answered sassily.

Mew just laughed and capture his soon to be wife's lips.

// Is it okay to end it here? Or should I add one or two more chaps?

Love lots 💙♥️

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