Part 2: Getting to know

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// If there's no indication if it's someone's POV meaning it would be the third party's POV.
Bear with me as we go through this boring phase for the first few chapters //


So many days have passed and Mew didn't notice Gulf's message again at all. Gulf now thinks he might be busy on the series he is in or maybe he just ignores him like what he does to his other fans. He knows his crush isn't like that but he can't help overthinking, anyway he is just a fan and Mew's busy with his life. He might have a girlfriend too, who knows?

The possibility of being noticed by an artist is almost close to zero and it's an international artist at that so his hope goes negative, so he is not keeping his hopes up. Its impossible he thought.

Bored. Gulf just watches some series and eat at home. It's weekend again and it's his rest day so he got time to laze around and be anxious. Lot of things going on in his mind and imagining things that ain't gonna happen, like Mew being his boyfriend.

Mew posted some pictures of him playing basketball. So hot, Gulf thought. He can't help himself but smile and instead of saying about how handsome or hot the other guy is, he just leaves a heart emoji in the comment section. He is now thinking his actions and is trying to save himself from shame. He is hopeless.

Mew uploads some stories of him on tv (Thai tv channel) looking so good and handsome. "You're so handsome P'Mew, get some more rest P 💙 su su na krub" Gulf replied to his story and no longer expects for a reply from that person. "I understand now that, that person won't even bother to look at my messages but it's okay, as a fan I'm happy as lonv as he is too and he is okay" He said to himself, though he sounds a little bit of sad and at the back of his mind he still have a little bit of hope that Mew will reply.


"Thank you. I have little rest these days due to work schedule" as soon as Gulf sees the message he almost jumped out of his bed. He giggles and thinks of something to reply to him. After thousands of attempts what would be the best reply he came up with one.

"I see, try to get some rest as much as possible P'Mew. Btw you really look cool in the tv, looking forward to see more of your looks" He replied, trying to give the other some encouragement. He is happy, a single conversation with him makes his heart so full.

On the other end, he sees the message of his fans and majority of them is women. He slouched on the sofa, he tried reading some of the messages and most of them were encouragement. He sent reply to few saying 'Thank you', one of them caught his attention. "Oh, I follow this one. What a pity He is not in Thailand and can only converse to him in English, though my English is kinda okay I can hold a basic conversation it's still a pity though" he said to himself.

After sending reply to that certain fan he scrolled through IG leaving comments to friends and viewing their stories.


"I see, try to get some rest as much as possible P'Mew. Btw you really look cool in the tv, looking forward to see more of your looks" He reads the message, that made him smile a little bit. He is somewhat interested to this person and he doesn't know why. He often receives this kind of encouragement but it feels different coming from this fan.

"Hahaha Thank you. Where are you from?" He asked. He is curious but he has a hint on where he is from. Mew doesn't know that a simple question from him can make the other party so happy and can't stop from smiling.


"I'm from Philippines P'Mew" I knew it! He exclaimed. I forgot when did I followed him on IG and why did I followed him, I find him cute though. He said to himself. Gulf Kanawut, interesting.

"I see, you call me P, how old are you? Are you still studying?" He asked, curious indeed. He wants to make friends to someone from another country. He wants to know the other guy.

"You're 6 years older than me so I call you Phi. Is it okay? Hahaha not sure what to call you."
"I'm a working student P, I'm on my second year. This is my second course actually. I work at night as customer service (BPO industry) and school just started" He received two consecutive reply from the other person.

The curiosity never ends, Mew asked all sorts of question to Gulf and He willingly answered all of the questions asked. They somewhat became a little bit close and starting to get to know each other. They haven't met yet but there's this invisible connection between them.

As days passed, he would reply to his messages and they give each other some encouragement when there's a chance. He feel they are a bit closer to each other. He also replies to his IG stories when there's a chance. Due to his promotional streaming, tv guesting and filming he is always busy and the time he holds his phone is lessened.

Gulf is sad whenever there's a day that she haven't received any message from him, He is just a mere fan he knows that and he knows that he can't ask for more attention from the other guy and he is working and they're not even labelled as friends even though they talk to each other almost everyday now, he is also a bit busy since school is kinda hectic nowadays and Gulf has to prepare things, he also just got promoted from work so there are new things he has to learn.

"Good morning P'Mew, how are you? have plenty of rest and take care always. I know you're busy this past few days" Gulf came up with this message after so many attempts and revisions and he mustered a lot of courage to compose it. It's 5AM in the morning thailand time so he is not expecting anything. He be might still sleeping, he thought.


"Good morning, are you still working? Have to wake up early for the shooting" Gulf felt a little bit relieved when he received the reply from him. He thought he may have forgotten him already since so may days have passed before his crush replied to him.

"I am. Su su na kha P'Mew" He replied and give encouragement to the other person. Gulf didn't receive a reply from him after that, he might really busy or he is just ignoring him. It's fine he thought, he anticipated it.

"You know? I think I'm inlove with someone" he talked to his friend.

"Uhuh? Who's this unlucky person? Where did you meet them?" Fighter asked.

"I haven't meet them personally. We're just like chatting in IG and he is from Thailand, also he is some sort if celebrity there" He confessed.

"Maybe he is just being friendly with you! You stupid man! He is just doing some fan service and you effin fall for him? He might even have a girlfriend!" Zee exclaimed. I might really stupid, getting my hopes up. I know I said that I'm not expecting anything but deep down I might still hoping something change. Gulf dismissed his thoughts. Sigh. I don't know what to do now, call me easy but I think I'm in love with him.

Later that night ~

Gulf is scrolling through twitter and he saw some tweets about Mew having a girlfriend. He didn't confirm if the tweets are true, he is too afraid and sad. He suddenly feel hopeless. "I knew it. I already told you, you're just a fan, he is just being nice to you" Gulf said to himself, he is sad but it's normal.

Days passed it's the start of their preliminary exam so he is busy and she keeps herself busy so he won't think of that person. Gulf no longer replies to that persons IG stories but he still views them and he don't send DMs to that person starting that day. He gived up but somewhat hoping the other person will initiate the conversation.



Mew keeps checking his IG he still receives message from a lot of fans but he is waiting for someone to message him. He even deliberately post some pictures and uploaded stories, pathetic he is but he wants to be noticed by that person. "He liked the photos I uploaded and he viewed my stories but he doesn't even replied to either one of them and he didn't even messaged me" he said to himself feeling confused.

"How are you? Haven't heard from you for few days. Are you busy with school and work? Su su na krub" This is the first time he messaged her first since it's usually the other way around.


Okay wait for the next part. I know its boring hahahaha

Please bear with me and sorry for typos and grammatical errors.

Love lots.

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