Part 21: Realize

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Gulf's POV.

"Gulf, wake up. Wake up. We have landed already." Saint woke me up. So that was really just a dream? It feel so real.

"Hurry Gulf! We can still make it for the afternoon classes" We have skipped a lot of class. We were excuse though but given we have grades to keep, slacking off is not an option. I don't want to lose my scholarship and allowance.

"Alright. I'll be there, just give me a sec." I rubbed my eyes and started o gather my things.

"Aren't you going to inform Mew that you're back?" Bright asked. Why should I? It's not like he cares anyway, though I'm dying to do that. I just prevent myself from texting and calling him.

"I won't. He broke up with me, remember? Were no longer together, so what's the point?"

"Don't be hard headed Gulf, it was partially our fault too." He barked.

"I know! but he chose to break up with me. Why can't he be like Win?" Maybe I'm not really worth fighting for.

"...because he is Mew not Win. Now, don't be stubborn!"

"Geez. Fine!" I fished out my phone to text him.

"Let's meet up. Let's talk" I send it to him via line, doesn't matter if he reads it or not.

The day passed and haven't heard anything from him. That answers it. He doesn't want to meet me, he doesn't want to see me. Too bad we will meet anyway.

Me and Bright went to the shooting place at the same time. Well of course that's given already since we live in the same building and uses same car. Win is not part of today's shooting but Mew is.

"Gulf, Mew is here already. Go talk to him" I just looked at him and raise my eyebrow.

"I already did my part Bright, It's time he does his." I acted as if I don't care. God knows how badly I want to talk to him, to hug him, to kiss him, feel his warmth and hear his voice. What should I do if the person I want, doesn't want me?

"Up to you" Bright said before he turned his back on me. I just shrugged and approached the producer to greet them.

"Oy Gulf! I'm sorry have something important to do the other day, wasn't able to go to your party"

"aow its okay P'May" I flashed my not so obvious fake smile.

"Congrats Nong! We heard the news. Who is the lucky man? Is it..." P'May eyed P'Mew who's talking to P'Max.

I shake my head. "He broke up with me phi" I said with a sad tone, which P'May picked up right away.

She pats my back to comfort me. "It's okay Gulf. Maybe he didn't see the news?"

"I don't know Phi. Maybe he doesn't want me anymore" I released a deep sigh "don't worry Phi, it won't affect the series"

"You~ I'm not thinking of that!" She ruffled my hair and went back to what she is working.

Bright's scene is with Mew. It went smoothly, then next would be mine and Bright which we have to do 2-takes. Last would be the three of us.

"Hi Type, I'm Tharn" He said looking at my eyes. The voice I'm longing to hear. He extends his hands for the handshake.

I looked at his extended hand and gulped. "Hi I'm-" Bright slap his hand and grabbed mine.

"He is Type, my boyfriend. You have to back off Tharn!" He said still acting out from the script.

"Ai'Sarawat!" I slapped his chest and he chuckled he kissed my checks in front of Mew. The kiss on he checks is not included in the script. Mew eyes went bigger. I can ses the jealousy in his eyes. Is it towards Type? or me?

We were in for a staring contest and everyone felt the tension.

"Cut! We got it good guys!" P'May said. I just stand there, didn't move an inch.

"Gulf let's go" Bright tugged my arm. I just silently followed him. I didn't even dare to spare a glance to where Mew is. I'm afraid of rejection, I already had enough.

"Gulf, P'Tul will drive you back. I have things to settle" He pushed me to the car. P'Tul is already sitting on the drivers seat and just smiled at me. Why does everyone keeps smiling at me thinking that it would be okay. I'm not okay and I won't be.


Mew's POV.

He just left with Bright. He didn't even spared a glance on me. He hates me, he just played with me. They don't have to rub on my face that they are engage, cause it fvcking hurts.

I avoided all Gulf's calls, texts and messages through social media. I don't want to talk to him yet. I'm not ready.

I throw his invitation with letter, but I tried finding it from the trash and can no longer see it.

I got startled by a loud band on the table in front of me. "Let's talk" He said.

This is the first time I'm seeing Bright's furious face.

"What do you want?" I asked. He sure is here to talk about Gulf.

"Let's go to my car and talk there" He said firmly. There's a lot of people here, hemay want to avoid further issue.

Once seated in his car he is just silent. "Talk. I don't have much time" I said.

"Why did you break up with Gulf?" He asked, straight to the point. He got the guts to ask that question ghough he is engage with him.

"Shouldn't you know the answer for that?" I returned the question.

"For fvck sake! Answer my damn question!" He said in a slightly louder voice.

"He is engage, what do you want me to do? Be the third party?"

"The fvck? You could be his fiancé you stupid! Now he is engaged to whoever the fvck his father wants for him that we might not even sure if he treats Gulf properly" He said in rage. What? I don't understand.

"A- Aren't you engaged to him?" I asked. I'm puzzled now.

"Don't you watch the news?" He said using annoyed tone.

"I did! It says you two are engaged" I heard it right. He shoved to my face the news article. I read it and gasped. They are engaged with their corresponding lovers? I was Gulf's lover, he should be engage with me.

"does that mean?" I said pointing to my phone.

"Yes. I'm engage to Win" He said in a bit bored tone.

"...but how?" I asked, still trying to comprehend the news.

"You should have properly talked to him. Not break up with him" he said.

"He doesn't talked to me now.." I said as my tears starts to fall.

"You shouldn't ask someone to do something for you that you yourself can't even do. You shouldn't take advantage of someone's love just because they love you dearly. You mirrors his actions he mimics yours. If you don't act right, what makes you think he won't do the same? He loves you! He waited for you but you never came. Maybe it's really right for you two to break up" He snatched his phone from me and kickrd me out of the cart and left me dumbfounded. I was so stupid. I should've followed him.

I'm sorry baby, please wait for me. I immediately grabbed my keys and drive to his condo.

// sorry guys. I'm so sleepy that this didn't came out right 😂

Lovelots ♥️

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