Part 16: Get away trip

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The day goes by so fast, much to Gulf's and Bright's liking. It's already a day before the said getaway trip of the boys. Gulf's the one who managed and arranged this trip of course with the help of his own personal assistant. Gulf got his own personal assistant but he says it's always pointless since he didn't needed one. Gulf prefers that the assistant of him stays in Australia and help with the office work, he will just contact him if he needed which rarely happens and this request is one of those rare occasions.

Gulf's laying on his bed, he just finished cooking for Bright since he lost the bet. "Bright, did you pack yet?" He asked the other while his eyes still close.

"I didn't. Don't you guys own the place? That means we have things there. Did you forgot that your dad arrange in every properties you have, we have personal things there?" Bright said and that is a slap to Gulf. However, he can't risk to stay on a different place. Too dangerous for them and for the others.

"I did forgot. Ugh, I also remembered that there must be an assigned room for us two. Sh*t. We can just ditch the room right? and have another room instead." Gulf said, he is now frustrated than ever.

"Hmmm... we can find a way for that. Do you have a plan already?" Bright asked about what his father asked them to settle. 

"I don't and I don't know what to do." Gulf put his hands on his head and groaned. Gulf's phone suddenly rang. His face turned sour looking at the caller. He showed bright his phone showing him the name of the caller and Bright sighed and nods at him, cue to answer the phone.

"Dad... Why did you call?" Gulf's trying to sound nice and jolly.

"Is Bright with you?"  His father asked. He turned the phone around so that Bright will be seen in the camera and the other waved.

"Don't forget you two, you have to be home. You have to be here after that get away of yours." Nothing can escape from his dad's eyes. He knows everything that is happening with his sons.

"daaaad! that's few days early from my birthday." Gulf complained while pouting. He really acts like a child with his family.

"You have to be home young man! And don't forget our deal, you two! Don't disappoint me, you won't like it" he said before ending the call. Gulf and Bright just looked at each and sighed at the same time. 



Gulf and Bright arrived at the airport first. It's their meet-up place, the next one to arrive is the ever hot looking boyfriend of Gulf, Mew Suppasit. The rest of the gang arrived, Gulf and Bright guided them, this time they didn't use the passengers departure entrance, instead, they used the private entrance which is designated for VVIP's. They were amazed cause even though they are celebrities they weren't treated this way and they don't even know that entrance and exit for VVIP exist but none of them commented, well aside from one.

"OMG! You two sure are super rich!" Mild said, looking around with sparkling eyes. Gulf and  Bright just shake their heads and the others just laughed.

"Hello again Young masters, Hi Everyone I'm Pavel your pilot. Welcome aboard" Bright and Gulf facepalmed and made a mental note that to inform everyone not to call them young master.

"Hey lovebirds! why did the pilot calls you two young masters?" It's Mild again.

"Can you stop calling them love birds?" Mew intervened. 

"No! I get to call them whatever I want!" Mild showed his tongue and run to his seat leaving the pissed Mew and Bright who is clearly hiding his grin.

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