Part 3: Video Call

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// Hi guys, I'm shamelessly promoting it here too 😂 please go and check out my other story: Loving that Lecturer of Mine

That got more chapters than this 😂 but yeah! Thank you for reading ♥️ //

It's a great morning and class is just about to start. White sleeve top and black blazer paired with black slacks. As Gulf walks through gate towards the building where his first class is, someone calls him "Gulf! You look Handsome and cute as usual! This introvert friend of mine seems so popular nowadays. Look at them (points to a group of friends sitting on the bench) they're all staring at you. I'm so jealous!" it's
his friend Jame taking to him.

"Don't make me laugh, I look like a walking zombie today. Haven't sleep yet. Ugh! I'm so tired already" he said, Gulf just finished working and he headed to Uni right after.

"Don't be like that, look (points someone is walking towards their direction)" Jame smirked.

"Hi, can I have your number? I see you often and wanted to say hello but I'm shy" said by the person in front of him. He doesn't know that person and He specifically don't want nuisance in his life. I'm busy, Gulf thought and luckily he stopped himself before he blurt it out loud.

"Sorry, I'm a private person nong and not fond of providing my private info. Excuse me" He smiled then walked away. Gulf heard Jame's giving out his IG account. This nosy person, why are friends again? he thought.

"Jame! C'mon!" Gulf called out his friend and continue walking.

His class lasted 3 Hours then they have 1 hour vacant wherein Gulf decided to eat with his group of friends.


He took his phone from his bag and check what's the notification is all about, Gulf thinks it might be the person this morning, He might have sent him a follow request but to his surprise it's not.

"How are you? Haven't heard from you for few days. Are you busy with school and work? Su su na krub" Gulf almost dropped his phone and got choked, He immediately drink a water and re-read the message that was sent to him. He gives off a big smile.

"Ohooo! Someone seems to be excited after reading something from their phone. Do you have a boyfriend? Who is it? Spill it." it's Bright who asked, he is smirking, looking at Gulf with teasing eyes and seems to be excited for the latter's answer. Gulf's friends knows his gender preference and they accepted him just fine.

"Ohooo! Someone seems to be jealous? I'm smelling something" Gulf laughed and leaned to the center of the table where he can see the faces of his friends "Don't worry I only have these boyfriends! It's... Hmmm.. *pretends to think* oh it's First, Jame, Bright and Ja" He said, teasing his friends.

"Ohooo! Someone is being secretive" Bright teased him back and they all laughed.

Gulf looked at his phone, he is thinking what to reply. He is happy, it's the first time the other party messaged him first since it's usually the other way around.

He took a selfie and send it to the other person. "Quite busy, school and work stuff. How about you?" he replied to the message.

Mew's having a break and is waiting again for his part. He received the image and the message, he smiled while looking at the picture "Are they your friends? Am I disturbing you RN?" "I'm on set, waiting for my part again to shoot" he send two consecutive messages and a selfie of him laying on the chair. This is the first time they are exchanging selfies.

"No you're not. I'm just having lunch right now with my friends, my class starts in 30 minutes or so" "Oh you're on set. Su su na khub 💙" he smiled while reading the other persons reply. He thought he might be angry of him for whatever reason, he is just really thinking too much.

Mew doesn't know what he is feeling but he somehow feels sorts of connected to this fan of him. A male at that, though he is a bisexual he still got confused feeling something for a guy that he haven't met before.

They've exchanged few more messages until it's almost time for Gulf's class and also Mew has to start filming again."Good luck on your studies nong, catch up to you later. I have to start filming my part again 🤗" he sent and he prepared start acting his role again.

It's almost 12 Midnight when the taping finished, Mew went home and took a bath. He is now laying down then he reached for his phone. He checked his email, scrolled through twitter, He also checked his IG and then checked the messages.

A lot of fans messaged him. He reads few of them then he searched for the message of a certain person. "Su su na P'Mew, talk you later"
"I'm done with my class P, Heading home now since I have to work later"
"Still shooting P?" The last message was sent an hour ago, he's probably working right now. Mew knows Gulf's school and work schedule and for whatever reason, he tries to match his vacant or break time with Gulf's.

"Just got home krub, are you working now?" Mew sent the message to Gulf and a selfie of him on the bed not knowing the other persons heart might explode. After a minute or so he received a picture of the other person eating with a follow up message "Yup working, doing offline jobs RN while eating hahahaha" he smiled, what a big eater yet still skinny he thought.

Mew hesitated for a bit but still asked the question "Do you have a line?"

"I have, but don't know how to use it hahahaha" Gulf replied, he installed it not knowing if it will be used.

After reading the other persons reply, He replied in few seconds. They've exchanged line info.

"Hi, Is it okay if I call?" Mew send through line. It's much easier to communicate this way and It's mew private account.

Gulf's heart almost jump off his chest again, reading the message his crush sent to him.

With a little bit of panic, Gulf still managed to reply "Of course it's fine. I'm doing offline works anyway so I can talk" he doesn't know what to think, he's too happy to do it anyway. Few seconds later, the other person is calling him. It's video call y'all!

Gulf immediately answered the call, they talked to each other. Telling stories to each other. They seem to enjoy chatting with each other when Gulf noticed that the other person seems to be tired and sleepy already.

"It's already almost 3AM P'Mew, You should rest now" Gulf said. Mew just looked at him and nod. They said goodbye to each other but before he ends the call Mew said "Let's get to know each other more na~" he smiled sweetly and ended the call. He closed his eyes and went to sleep already. He will most likely to have a sweet dream.

After the call Gulf's still staring at his phone that is now off (sleep mode) puzzled on what the other person just said. He doesn't want to get his hopes up but his heart feels so full and he's feeling giddy. Gulf want to ask the other person what he meant by it but he is too coward to do it and he might be sleeping already.

The next day, Gulf doesn't have a class so he went to sleep after work, but before he sleep he sent a message to someone.

"Good morning khub, make sure to eat before you start working again. I don't have class today so I might be sleeping all throughout the day. Take care 💙" he sent the message and falls asleep already.


"Good morning, I'm driving now, the taping location is quite far, I ate already. Sweet dreams. Message me when you wake up 💙" The receiver failed to respond right away since he is already asleep when the message was sent.

// To be continued...
Pardon my typos and some grammatical errors 😂

I didn't plan to post the update today actually but since my files at work just messed up and I'm so pissed. Here you go!

Writing is my stress outlet 🙈😂

Love lots ♥️

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