Part 15: Bet

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Bright's POV. (I'm screaming 😂)

We are at the University, catching up with the classes we missed. We are scholars of the University back in the Philippines, so we are being funded here. We keep it that way, he said it's to save money. If I know he just want to avoid rumors and attention. He also wants to keep it low key. They're hella rich but this guy is so down to earth. He even works while studying, as if he is in need of money but he said its for his mental health.

This young master is lazy so he didn't bring any bag and just stuff some of his things in mine, not that we have to bring one but where's the fun in school if you don't have a bag right? Oh, don't judge me this is just how I am.

"Gulf, your boyfriend is here to pick you up?"

"Yeah, with your boyfriend. He is here as well" He said grinning. This stupid sh*t, Win's still sulking at me. I didn't inform him about the trip back home. He just knows when he called and saw Gulf lying down in our bed. Yep, we share bed in their huge house or should I say mansion? It's his father's idea though.

Win's jealous of Gulf as Mew's jealous of me. Nah, Gulf's not my type though. He is my best friend and my brother from another mother.

"You~ Why is he with Mew?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Are you jealous with my boyfriend? Don't worry, he loves me dearly" He scoffed.

"As if! It's your man who is Jealous of me though!" I teased back.

"He no longer is!" He said rolling his eyes and smirking.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.


"We'll see. How much?" I laughed teasingly. Oh, I love this bet.

"A month of groceries. You win if Mew got jealous, I win if only your man got jealous and it's a tie if they both got jealous" He said. This kid is so brainy.

"Not fair! And a month of grocery is not enough, how about a million?"

"You stupid sh*t, I don't have a million!" he said glaring at me. Other students looked at us, since this guys speaks a little bit louder.

"Ow, cause you have a billion! I know." We both laughed. "How about a grocery and everyday's meal?"

"You- you just want me to cook for you!"

"You got me! It's a deal though" I said laughing and running away from him and holding the bag tightly. He chased me.


"There they are! Are you ready?" I stopped before they can spot us.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" He said. I put my hand on his waist and his arm on my shoulder. This is actually normal for us though but we just want to avoid issues.

"I can your boyfriend's glaring at me" I whispered to his ear. He flushed red. His ears is his weakness. I know.

"He will eat you alive." He said.

"No dear~ he will eat you alive" I said using a teasing tone and this guy just blushed harder. He is as red as a tomato now, I'm enjoying this.

"You're blushing you green minded person!" I said laughing hard and he smacked my shoulder.

Mew's shooting daggers at me again while Win got no reaction, if I know he is also jealous but of course Gulf wouldn't know. That's good, I won't have a deal if I know I'll lost.

" Hey... Lovebirds! Where are you going? Oh, is that Mew Suppasit and Win Metawin? What are they doing here?" Nice one Mild. I can feel Mew's glare and the Win's lips twitched. I almost laugh, almost.

"Hmmm.. They're our work mates Mild. Maybe they have something to talk about? Why don't you ask them" I said eyeing Gulf but he just shrugged. This Mild pretends not know them when he was actually just talking to them few days ago.

"Alright! We'll then I'll be on my way, see you Lovebirds" He winked, maybe I should change my best friend now. Mild's a funny one, well he always is.

"Ow, Hi P'Mew! You picking up this man?" I said my hand is still on Gulf's waist. I hide my grin. I'm trying.

Mew just glared at me, pulled his boyfriend and kissed him in front of me. I can no longer take it, I laughed so hard which annoyed Gulf. The two is just look at me.

"Hi darling." I said as I slide my hand on his waist and pecked on Wins cheek. He blushed, so cute.

"Okay Gulf! I won" I laughed again. Gulf just rolled his eyes and pull his boyfriend to his own car.

"darling, I brought our car. Can we just use it? Gulf's gonna go with P'Mew, I have to take it home" He just nodded. Aww, my baby is now showing his jealousy. He called his driver to pick up his car.

"Where do you want to go, dear?" I said when I started the car.

"What's with 'I won?'" see? he is jealous.

"Nothing dear, it's just a silly bet with Gulf" I said half laughed remembering Mew's reaction earlier.

"don't make me ask again, Bright" Ouch, I'm called Bright now. Well I practically am but whatever. He is a scary bunny when angry. Ugh, I love this man here.

"Aw, my baby bunny is angry... We just made a fun bet if Mew will get jealous and he did, so I win!" I said playfully. I really love making my boyfriend pissed. He looks so cute, I wanna gobble him up.

"And do you think its funny?" Oops! He is angry now. Like angry, angry haha. he is still cute though.

"It's not~ but it's actually is~ don't be angry na~" I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his. "So... Where do you want to go?"

"To the mall! I want ice cream!" He pouted. He is now sulking.

"Aye aye captain!" I kissed the back of his hand and speeds to the Mall, my bunny wants ice-cream and he will get what he wants.

We went to one of the ice-cream parlor and he ordered ice-cream with a scoop of bunch of flavors. Just seeing it, I want to vomit. Gulf's obsession with chocolate flavored foods is too much already but this one a blast but since he is my boyfriend I won't comment. I don't want to die yet.

"Don't you want to eat ice-cream? I'm not sharing with you, you know?" He said with his mouth full. Oh, thank you, my Life's saved.

"Hmm.. Just seeing you eat makes me full. I'm not hungry." I said. Of course I'm hungry but I don't want my bunny to be sad. I'll just inconvenience Gulf later to cook for me.

He just throws a judging look at me and continue eating his ice-cream.

"Darling... Are you free by the end of this month?" I asked. I remembered what Gulf said earlier.

"I guess I am, why?" He furrowed.

"There's this get away trip that Gulf arranged. P'Zee and P'Saint is going too, also Mild" I said, he thinks for a bit.


"Somewhere near? Just a three days trip. Gulf will settle the things, we just need to come. Also, it might be the advance celebration for his birthday here since we will held it at their family home" I over talked. I scolded my self silently. "Please don't tell P'Mew."

"We?" He raised his eyebrow. I'm not careful wuth my words and this bunny notices everything.

"Yeah, I mean I'm coming home with him. My family would kill me if I let Gulf go home without me" I said. He just nodded. Thanks god he didn't asked further cause I might spill.

"Hmm its okay... Tell me the date and I'll have my manager free my schedule" That settles easily.

"Yay! Thanks darling. You will enjoy for sure" and we may not. Ah sh*t, I'm remembering what dad said again.

"You done? Let's go watch a movie!" I wiped his lips and grabbed his hand guiding him to the cinema.

Sometimes we just need to enjoy things because some things don't last even if we want it to and some things goes out of our control even if we don't want to. Life's hard I know, nothing is easy.


// A playful and a filler part (well I think 60% is a filler hahaha I'm sorry)

What do you think? 😂

Love lots ♥️

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