Chapter 13 - Heartbeat

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3rd Person POV

"I'll give you two the room." Ray says, standing up and making his way to the doorway. "Hey, Jax." He says

"Hey, man." Jax says with a smile, the two 'bro-hugging' and then Ray leaving the room with the door closing behind him. Jax looks to Brooklyn who has stood up by now and was making her way over to him. "Hey, Brooke." He says with a smile. But his smile falters as he reads Brooklyn's body language (something he picked up from her). She was walking slowly to him, her legs weak and wobbly under her, and her entire facial expression looked like she was mere moments away from a meltdown. Short version: Jax realized that if he didn't act quickly, Brooklyn was going to fall apart before she made it the last 6 steps to him

Jax throws himself into motion, rushing forwards and grabbing Brooklyn's body as she collapses in a heap of tears

"Hey, shh, it's okay, it's okay." Jax tells her, rubbing her back

"No it's not." Brooklyn whispers through tears. "It's not. She's sick and it's all my fault."

"Hey." Jax tells her, pulling away from her and making her look him in the eye. "None of this is your fault. The only thing you are guilty of is creating a beautiful little girl." He says before cracking a smile. "With help." He says with a shrug

Brooklyn lets out a small laugh, wiping away the tears from her cheeks and her eyes, composing herself. She pushes herself off the ground. "You probably wanna see her." She tells Jax, motioning for him to stand as well

"Are you okay?" Jax asks to which Brooklyn nods. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Jax, I'm sure." Brooklyn tells him

And that was another thing his girlfriend was so terribly good at: putting up walls. "Alright." Jax says, standing off the ground. "Let's go."


"Not an anecdote." Ray tells Sara, Felicity, and Ava in the library. "An anecdote implies that there is a cure for something, that that 'something' will go away with help. DNA cannot be changed...the metahuman gene will be in Maddie for the rest of her life."

"So what did you create?" Sara asks Ray, looking at the chemical substance in the jar he had creates

"Think of it as an assistant." Ray says. "I put this into Brooklyn and Maddie's blood streams and it stabilizes their link and their powers, by passing the beginning stages and starting with the sickness."

"These are the beginning stages?" Ava asks. "How many stages are there?"

"I'm not sure." Ray says. "Ronnie and Stein had to learn to share a body and adapt, the same with Jax and Stein." He explains to the two. "Maddie and Brooklyn will never have to learn to share a body but Brooklyn will have to learn how to share a link. With this serum, I can assist the process of the link connecting with Maddie and Brooklyn's DNA much faster. In theory, Maddie's fever will completely stop and Brooklyn will still feel her daughter but not to the excruciating extent she's feeling her now."

"Like a blocker?" Ava asks

"Not a blocker." Felicity says, putting the pieces together. She looks at Ray. "Almost like an enhancer." She says to which Ray nods. "Stein and Jax had one on their chest that helped them become FIRESTORM." She looks at the serum. "Is this a one time injection?"

"If it works, yes." Ray tells her

"And how do we know if it works?" Ava asks

"Maddie and Brooklyn's illnesses would drop completely and immediately." Ray tells her

Ava looks at Sara. "Do you think Brooke would go for it?"

Sara thinks for a moment, the room taking over a brief silence. She shares a look with Felicity and the girls share a silent conversation. "I think that we should talk to her." Sara ends up saying to which Felicity nods in agreement. "She won't like the idea of an injection but if it helps Maddie...I think we should talk to her." She looks at Ray. "Is the serum ready?"

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