The Races

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(A/N: This is the main character, Luna Grace Johnson. I drew this, so it may or may not be great, but I'm proud of it.)

One Year Ago: July 30, 1898

It was my fifteenth birthday and Father refused to let me see where we were going. After what felt like forever, Father finally stopped me and peeled the blindfold off. I gasped in awe, staring wide-eyed at the grey gelding standing before me.

I shrieked with joy, giving my father a kiss on his cheek and running to pet my new horse. My father decided he'd train me to race first thing in the morning.

Present Time: July 18, 1899

Three...I stroked Thunder's neck, whispering he was a good boy. The grey gelding snorted a compliment.

Two...I took a few deep breaths, telling myself that I was ready to race.

One...The gates opened and Thunder took off, speeding down the track in front of the other horses. I kept the reins tight in my hands as they rocked to the rhythm of the geldings movements.

The race people had finally let me race after months of trying to enter, of course, it helped that my father was one of the best racers and it was my birthday.

I hadn't bothered to tie my black hair into a ponytail, so it whipped wildly behind me as my horse and I sped down the track. The finish line came into view and Thunder put on an extra sprint, carrying us both across the line.

I took my helmet off, ruffling my hair as Thunder trotted around the track once more. I smiled, soaking in the applause and cheers. Someone came and got Thunder and I, leading us to the circle where the winning horse and rider sit/stand.

I dismounted, shaking a few hands and taking the medal that they award the jockey who gets first place in a race. Two boys came over and offered me their hands. "Mornin', Miss." The blond one grinned, tipping his cap at me with a wink. "The name's Race. What's ya name, Sweetheart?"

"Luna Johnson," I replied, offering Thunder a sugar cube that I had stuffed into my pocket before the race.

"OoO! Pretty name for a pretty girl," Race stated, batting his eyelashes mockingly. I chuckled, glancing at the brown-haired boy to the blond's right.

His blue eyes met mine and he smiled, "hi. I's Mush." The boy tipped his hat and I glanced both of them over, noticing they both had dirt smudges all over their faces.

"Happy birthday, Luna!" Father called, picking me up and swinging me around. I laughed as he put me back down.

"Thanks, Dad," I grinned, looking over his shoulder as the boys departed. "I's gonna clean up Thunder. I'll meet you back at the house." I led my grey gelding out of the crowd and mounted, signaling him to gallop when we were on the streets. We arrived at the house and I jumped off of him, tying him up and going to get my red dress on.

I went back to Thunder, grooming him and giving him fresh hay and oats

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I went back to Thunder, grooming him and giving him fresh hay and oats. He whinnied a 'thank you' as I exited the barn, going to find our ancient German Shepard, Maxine.

Father returned a few minutes later, immediately going to his study. I sighed, "guess he only had time to watch my race."

Mush's POV:

There had been talk about a girl racer today, so Race and I decided to go down to watch. The pony riders (A/N: Pony Riders are people who pony a jockey and their horse onto the racetrack) led each horse onto the track, the grey horse in the back catching my eyes. The gelding held his head high and the jockey above him had black hair hanging over their shoulders.

I nudged my friend, "hey, Racer, that's her." I pointed out the jockey atop the grey horse. He nodded, turned, and made a few bets on her. I face-palmed, watching as the horses were led into the starting gate. I kept my gaze locked on the female rider as she lined her horse up in slot six.

The starting gun fired and the horses were off, the grey one immediately taking the first position. This stayed the same, the female jockey in front as the others fought for their positions behind her.

"Damn, that goil can ride," Race yelped, dumbfounded. "Let's go say hi!"

The gelding trotted around the track once more before being led to the winners circle. Race and I pushed our way through the shouting crowd toward the area the girl would be. We waited for the crowd to mostly clear before confronting her.

Race immediately turned on his Newsie charm, "mornin', Miss." He grinned, tipping his hat and winking. The name's Race. What's ya name, Sweetheart?"

"Luna Johnson," the girl replied with a chuckle, feeding her horse a sugar cube.

"OoO! Pretty name for a pretty goil!" Race exclaimed, batting eyelashes at her jokingly.

I looked up, meeting the girl's blue-eyed gaze, "hi. I's Mush." I stated simply, tipping my cap.

A man came running over, engulfing the girl in a hug, "happy birthday, Luna!" The man cried, swinging the girl around.

He set her down after two twirls, "thanks, Dad." The girl grinned. Race pulled me away and we headed back to the Lodging House.

"OoO! So? Is there a goil rider?" Romeo asked, raising his eyebrows a few times and tugging at his vest.

"Yeah, but you ain't got a chance," my blond companion grinned, ruffling the other boy's hair.

"And I s'pose you's better?" Romeo challenged.

"Well, I does say so myself." Race tried, tucking his cigar between his teeth.

"What's makes ya think she'd be into either of ya?" Jack chuckled, walking into the room.

"Because I's good-looking," Race and Romeo stated in unison.

"Ya, sure. And goats can talk," Jack joked, leaving both my friends in disbelief. "'Ey, Mush. Was she pretty?" Jack turned to me, his eyes shining with mischief.

"I guess," I shrugged.

"Yes, she's pretty," Race yelped. I sent him a glare.

"I'm gonna go make more strike signs," I sighed, heading up to the room I share with Race. I began writing 'STRIKE' on cloths and pieces of wood.

Race came in, "you's got a goil crush!" He chanted in my ear, jumping around me.

"Give me a break, I don't got a crush on no goil," I hissed, trying to keep my mind from swaying to think about Luna.

"Yes, ya do, I see it in ya eyes," Race grinned, shoving me slightly.

"Could ya keep it down? I'm trying to work!" I growled, etching the same word I had been into a piece of wood.

"Fine," the blond boy huffed, sitting on his bed.

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