Getting Out

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I rolled over, unable to sleep on the rock-like mattress. Crutchie was snoring lightly beside me, the boy still asleep from when we were stopping the wagons. It all played in my head like it was happening again; Crutchie's pained cries, Mush's terrified face, Snyder's wicked grin as he beat the cripple boy beside me. Jack was like an older brother to Crutchie, so why didn't he help him? I probably would never know. 

Carefully, I slipped out of bed, making sure to cover Crutchie back up with the rough blanket before sitting on the windowsill. A large rat fell from the ceiling and it took all my effort and sanity not to scream as the ghastly rodent landed on my boot. "Shoo. Get!" I whisper-yelled, wiggling the toe of my boot to encourage it to go away. The rodent hissed at me before jumping ship and scurrying into the darkness. I sighed, leaning against the window and closing my eyes. 

Crutchie was gently shaking me, his eyes wide as he mouthed something. I turned to where he was pointing, jumping out of my skin when I recognized Jack and Mush. "What are you doing here?" I mouthed, placing my hand on the glass. Mush smacked Jack and I noticed a bandage on his upper arm. 

"We came to see you guys, Jack got a letter last night from Crutchie." Mush sighed, putting his hand on the other side of the glass. 

"Aww," Jack and Crutchie cooed at the same time. My face flushed as I pulled back and lightly punched Crutchie, getting return fire. 

"You guys shouldn't be here," I hissed, hearing footsteps outside the door. Crutchie quickly rolled onto his side, Jack and Mush jumped into a bush, and I pretended I was asleep against the glass. 

Snyder came in baring a plate of stale bread. "Eat up, kids, ya won't get anotha meal for a while." The man grinned, throwing the plate down and leaving, slamming the door behind him. Crutchie grunted as he tried to get up, eventually flopping back down onto his side in pain. 

"No, no, stay. I'll get you some," I sighed, crossing the room to get Crutchie some bread. I handed it to him, sitting on the window sill again. Jack and Mush left, not coming back. 

Two Weeks Later

The cops showed up around noon, doing a full sweep of the Refuge. The came across the room the Newsies were in after they escorted Snyder out and down the street. I handed Crutchie's crutch to him and helped him stand up, sticking close to the cripple's side in case he was going to fall. He waved me off with an "I'm fine." We ended up just outside of Pulitzer's office. 

"Each generation must, at the height of its power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. Youhave laid claim to our world and I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous! Yourdrawing, son, brought another matter to bear. Officers! If you please," I followed Crutchie toward the other Newsies. 

"Hey, Jack, look it's Crutchie!" Race pointed out. 

"Hiya, fellas. You miss me?" Crutchie grinned, hobbling over. 

"Stars!" Mush yelped, rushing over and picking me up, swinging me in a circle. I giggled, burying my nose in his shirt. "I missed you," he whispered so only I could hear his statement. 

"And look what I got for youse, a gift. Straight from the Refuge. All right, bring him in, fellas," Crutchie grinned as Snyder was escorted into the lot. 

"Oh look, it's Snyda the Spida," Race hissed. 

"He ain't lookin' so tough no more," JoJo grinned. 

"Jack, with those drawings, you've made an eloquent argument for shutting down the Refuge. Beassured that Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated. Officers, take him away!" Roosevelt hollered. 

"Oh, please, Your Highness, may I do the honors?" Crutchie asked. 

"You have got to be joking," Snyder hissed, attempting to kick Crutchie. I went to help, but was pulled back and turned to face Mush as he pressed his lips to mine. Crutchie paused momentarily and Elmer shot me a look as he strode over. 

"Oh yeah, and you'll be laughing. All the way to the pen, little man. So long, sucker!" Crutchie bellowed after Mush and I had parted, cuffing Snyder and whacking his rump as the man walked by. I chuckled, entwining my fingers with with Mush's. 

"I'm so glad you're back!" Elmer yelped, pulling me toward him into a hug. He released me as my stomach churned, erupting a sort of low growl. Both my brother's and Mush's eyes widened. "Have you eaten at all?" Elmer shrieked. I shook my head. 

"Jack, we's gonna take her back and get her some food," Mush yelled, following Elmer and I. We got to the Lodging House about fifteen minutes later. The smells were still there, followed by a energetic ball of fluff. 

"Oh my God, what's that?" I yelped, standing on the couch. 

"Oh, that's Elle. We found her on the street about a week ago," My brother shrugged, fishing food from the cabinets and sitting beside me. I wolfed down the food, curling up in a ball when I finished. Elmer made up an excuse and went upstairs, leaving me alone with Mush. 

"I'm really glad you's back. You have no idea how much of a wreck Elmer was," Mush chuckled, sitting next to me. 

"Ya sure you weren't?" I raised a black brow playfully, folding my arms across my chest. 

"Maybe a lil' bit," he admitted. I sighed, leaning into his warmth and the smell of vanilla, closing my eyes. "You should rest," the blue-eyed boy sighed, resting his head on mine. We both ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, Mush was laughing and joking with Race and Romeo. I had a blanket over top of me, smelling faintly of vanilla. I stood up, pulling the blanket around my shoulders and heading over to Elmer, who was now plotting to steal Race's cigar with Albert. 

"I wouldn't mind helpin'," I grinned, causing my brother to jump out of his skin. "I'm very sneaky." 

"You's hired," Albert declared. 

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