The Surprise

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"No?" I stared at the boy in astonishment, freezing in my tracks.

"You heard me," he shrugged.

"I am useless, though," I sighed, kicking a rock.

"No, you're not," Mush growled, an edge to his voice.

Feeling a little brave, I said, "well, how do you figure that?"

Mush shot me a small glare before answering, "because there was nothing you could do when your parents died and your brother bein' sent away was our of your capabilities when you were as young as you were. Elmer turned out alright," the blue-eyed boy motioned to my older brother who had already crossed the street. "And so did you."

I shrank into myself, unsure of what to do or how to respond because he already seemed irritated with me. "I'll just let it go," I mumbled under my breath.

We walked in silence until we got to the bridge. Mush went up and talked to Elmer a bit before my brother jogged over. "Ya ain't useless, just scared and ya feel alone. I was the same when I joined the Newsies a year ago," Elmer explained.

"Fine. Can ya tell Mush I'm sorry? I didn't mean to upset him when we were talking," I sighed.

"I think it would mean more if you told him, but sure, lil sis," Elmer sent me a wink and went to sell. I chose to sell down on the beach, approaching everyone sitting in a beach chair or playing in the waves.

Someone cleared their throat behind me, I whipped around, letting my guard down a bit when noticing it was just Mush. "Um, Elmer said ya wanted ta talk ta me?"

"Right..." I rubbed my arm. "I'm sorry for kinda flippin' out earlier. You didn't deserve it. I understand if ya hate me or are mad at me." I sighed, turning to walk away.

Mush gently grabbed my arm, turning me to face him. "Ya didn't make me mad and I don't hate ya. I just didn't know what to say to make you feel better." I knew he was serious as he said this. I wouldn't either if I was in his shoes.

"Oh, okay," I sighed, looking out at the waves.

Father had decided we were going to go riding on the beach. I followed him through the gates and down to the beach, urging my sorrel mare into a canter. Her hooves kicked up sand as she moved gracefully down the beach behind father.

I laughed, guiding the mare toward the water subtly. Her hooves finally splashed in the water, the salty sea spray dusting my cheeks and wetting my hair. There wasn't a saddle, I was riding bareback without anything for my hands besides the mare's mane. I carefully leaned back, laying flat on the horse's back and flank as she continued her casual canter.

I smiled at the memory as I watched the waves roll in and out. "Stars?" Mush asked, his voice filled with concern. 

"Yeah?" I turned to him, smiling for the first time in days. 

"You okay? Ya zoned out there for a bit," he said, following my gaze to the ocean. 

"Uhuh," I turned to him, smiling. 

"What?" He cocked his head. 

"I zoned out because I finally had a good memory. I've been riding on this beach since I was seven. I used different horses, but the feeling wasn't any different," I replied.  

"You wanna come back later?" Mush asked, looking out at the calm waves. 

"If it's okay with you and Elmer." 

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