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Sakura nervously stepped out of Sasori's car and grabbed her backpack of necessities. "I assume your partner is Sasuke Uchiha." Sasori guessed.

Sakura flashed him a surprised look, "How did you know?"

"I'm friends with Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. We went to the same school." The red head explained. "Tell Itachi I said hi. I would stay, but I have to go to Chiyo Oba-San's place." Sasori explained, bidding his neighbor farewell and driving away.

Then it hit Sakura. How could she be so dumb? "Crap. How am I gonna get home?" Sakura wondered aloud, as she spotted Sasori's car off in the distance. "Ah well..."

She walked up to the doors of the Uchiha residence and rung the door bell. Ding dong!

"Hello! You must be Sakura!" A beautiful woman with black hair greeted. She bore a striking resemblance to Sasuke. Hence, Sakura assumed that she was his mother. "Sasuke told that he was expecting a classmate. Do come in!"

"Thank you, Uchiha-San." Sakura said with a slight bow, as she stepped into the spacious mansion.

"No need to that address me formally, Sakura-Chan. It makes me feel old." Mikoto Uchiha said with a soft smile, "We can't have that, can we?" Sakura returned the smile and nodded.

"Sasu-Chan! Your classmate is here!" Mikoto called out to her son. Sakura had to hold in her snicker when she heard his nickname.

"Hn? Oh, Sakura. Right." Sasuke said, as he rushed down from somewhere upstairs. "Let's get started, Sakura." He said nonchalantly.

"Sasu-Chan." Mikoto started in a firm voice, "Where are your manners?" She asked, flashing Sakura a wink and earning a giggle from her.

"Fine, Oka-San." Sasuke grumbled, "Hello, Sakura. Is there anything I can get for you? Water, soda, a snack?" He asked the pinkette, causing her suppress a loud laugh. "I'll take your jacket." He added, taking it and putting it in the coat closet.

"No thanks, Sasuke. I think I'll pass." Sakura declined. Sasuke shrugged and looked at his mother for approval.

"There are some snack and drinks on the counter, Sakura-Chan. So don't be shy to go and grab something. Plus, if you want something in particular, Sasuke knows where everything is." Mikoto stated, "Oh, and, Sasu-Chan, could you be a dear and leave your door open? That would be nice." Mikoto requested, flashing them a playful smirk and rushing off to somewhere else.

"Sorry about my mom. She's..." Sasuke groaned, "She's really something." He concluded, as he lead her up to his room.

Sakura swatted his arm, hitting a bit harder than intended, causing Sasuke to wince. "You have a great mom."

Sakura looked around and sized up her surroundings. Sasuke's room was painted the faintest shade of blue, with on dark blue feature wall. In one corner was his large bed, which was also dark blue, and bore the Uchiha crest in the center the sheets. His room was really quite spacious. He had a large lamp near his desk, and dark furniture , such as a small couch, nightstand, dresser, and a desk plus chairs (which had the Uchiha crest on their backs).

The two sat down at Sasuke's desk and got to work. Researching their location, about its culture, history, political standpoint, and geography. They slowly put together their presentation. "Wow! We're almost done, Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura marveled.

Sasuke nodded and hn'd, yet his head shot up as Sakura used the honorific upon him. "'Sasuke-Kun'?" He asked, raising his eyebrow in surprise.

"Mhm. Do you mind?" Sakura replied with a frown.

"No. Just surprised." He answered, brushing it off and continuing to edit the work.


"Let's call it a day, shall we. We can finish the rest in class." Sakura chirped, shutting down her laptop and placing it into her backpack, which was red and pink with her white family crest on it.

"Hn." Sasuke agreed, "You can go downstairs, I'll come down in a few minutes."

"Hai!" Sakura chirped, grabbing her bag and heading down the stairs. "Um, Mikoto-San?" Sakura started in a hesitant manner, as she spotted said woman sitting on the couch and reading.

"Hn? Yes, Sakura-Chan?" Mikoto looked up from her book.

"How may I get home? The person who is supposed to be driving me home is at his Oba-Chan's place." Sakura asked.

"Are you talking about Sasori? Ita-Chan said that Sasori gave him a heads up." Mikoto smiled. "I'll ask one of my boys to drive you home."

"Arigato, Mikoto-San!" Sakura thanked, feeling a wave of relief.

"But your not leaving with out dinner!" Mikoto stated. "Sasori told Ita-Chan about your parents." Sakura grinned and yet again thanked Mikoto.

**this time skip was brought to you by Lee's leg warmers**

"Dinner is ready!" Itachi called out, as he and his mother brought out the plates.

"Heck yeah!" Shisui Uchiha barked, as he pretty much bolted to the dining table, starting to serve himself.

"No eating yet!" Mikoto shrieked.

"Itadakimasu!" Shisui said, "Now can I eat?"

"No." Sasuke monotoned.

"Hn. Who is our guest?" Fugaku Uchiha, father of Itachi and Sasuke asked, sparing a glance from his phone.

"Care to introduce her, Sasu-Chan, hn?" Mikoto asked with a strangely smug smile.

"Hn. It's just Sakura. My project partner." Sasuke explained, "She is one of Naruto-dobe's friends."

"Sasori told me that she is his neighbor." Itachi added.

"Good to know." Fugaku said, going back to checking his emails.

"Now can I eat?!" Shisui begged.

"Hn, fine. You may." Itachi smirked, as the rest said 'Itadakimasu'.

**Another time skip because I don't feel like writing about dinner."

"Sasu-Chan?" Mikoto asked with a small grin, "Can you please drive Sakura-Chan home?"

"Can't Shisui-Nii do it? He's a better driver."

"No dear. I think you should."

"Hn, fine, Oka-San."

"Thank you, Sasu-Chan."



"Thanks for the ride, Sasuke-Kun!"

"No problem."

"Good night! See you on Monday!"

"Yeah. Night'."

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