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A/N: YEAH, I AM IN FACT ALIVE AND HEALTHY 💜 I'm so sorry for not updating in so, so, so, long. Like holy friggen Namjesus, it's been, what? 5 months... FIVE MONTHS!!!! And I used to update on a daily basis 🙄 Woah-
Anyways, I'm back now 😫👍
Sorry about the short and unedited chapter 😭

Ahhh, I also should say that the reason that Kakashi and the other teachers use the -kun honorific on the students is because that's just how a teacher would address their student. I'm not sure if I did that before (I prob didn't, even though I have knows this the entire time)

P.S- I hope all of you lovelies are healthy and well. Remember to wear your mask and follow your regions protection mandates. Also, if it's available to you, please, please get vaccinated. It doesn't just protect you from COVID-19, but the people around you as well.



That was the bell that marked the last moments of school. Free from the burdens of school the students of Konoha High School were. Before they stormed out the class door, their sensei, Hatake Kakashi, stoped them. Clearing his throat, he gave them a stern look. "I know that all of you are just itching to get out of this hell hole, but just know one thing," the silver haired man started, "You guys were a tough bunch to teach..." To that, Kiba groaned from the back of the classroom, "Sensei, we're the only bunch you've ever taught."

With a roll of his softened eyes, their sensei clearly his eyes, "That's true, Kiba-kun. Which brings me to something I wanted to address. You all may know that Tsunade-sama is resigning from her post as mayor as Konohagakure no Sato. But what you don't know is that I've been elected as the mayor by the city board." The students's eyes widened in surprise. Their lazy, unpunctual, and pervy sensei was to be in charge of Konoha. It was simply hard to believe.

Perhaps it was a drunken mistake made by their ever intoxicated leader, Miss Senju Tsunade. Or perhaps it was that his soon to be wed fiancé , (l/n) (y/n), held a high ranking position within the town council. Was it her biased vote that overruled the other's? It had to be something like that!

"I know what you're all thinking." Their sensei grumbled, "There's no way I could be mayor. But that's where you're wrong. You are probably unaware of my career before becoming a teacher. That I won't go into much detail, but rest assured that I'm am fully qualified for this role."

Naruto was the first to speak up upon learning the news, "So what you're tryin' to say is that you won't be our sensei next year-ttebayo?" Kakashi nodded, "Yes Naruto-kun, Yamato-sensei will be taking my job here."

After a beat of silence, the Junior class of KHS was dismissed. They said their thanks to their teachers as they flooded into the bustling halls. The summer break had finally started! It was a time to celebrate ✨

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