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"You ready yet, Sakura? You know I don't like to wait!" Sasori called out as he peeped his head into my room.

"Yeah, yeah! Just give me a sec!" I replied, putting a black bobby pin with a cherry flower into my short pink hair. I grabbed my phone and ran out the door, grabbing Sasori's hand along the way.

"Jeez, slow down, Haruno." Sasori murmured in an annoyed manner.

"Bruh, you were the one who told me to speed up!" I rolled my eyes as we got into Sasori's deep red Aston Martin Vantage car.

"Yeah, I said 'speed up', not tear my arm off, Haruno." Sasori said, as he started to drive.

"Fair point..."

"Exactly. Now, what do you want to listen to?"

"I'm feeling like Snow Fairy."

"No, just no. Anything else."


"The cheese fucking song? No."


"Fine, I guess that will do." Sasori submitted.

**This time skip was brought to you by Tsunade's green coat**

"Konbanwa Mikoto-San and Izumi-Chan!" I greeted in unison, as we were ushered in by Sasuke's mother and Itachi's fiance.

Izumi flashed us a twinkling smile as she took our coats and planted a kiss on our cheeks, "Kon'nichiwa, hn!" She greeted. "Have a seat in the living room, I'll be back with some water."

"Thank you." I chirped as Sasori agree with a slight nod, making our way to the grand living room. There on the couches, sat Sasuke, his father Fugaku, and Shisui. I simply assumed that Itachi was in the kitchen, helping prepare the last of the dishes.

"Hey." Sasuke said.

"Oh! Um, uhh, Sasuke-Kun!"


"Good, how are you?" I asked, as I was starting to pick up on the sacred language of the Uchiha clan.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "Decently well, thanks for asking." He answered nonchalantly.

Everybody but Fugaku, who was checking his emails, stared at some random place in the room, as the silence was heavy and nobody was putting any effort into keeping up a conversation. The object so decided to stare at was the left leg of the cherry rosewood coffee table. It's was quite an, um, mesmerizing sight..?

"Wanna watch a movie?" Shisui asked, as Fugaku left the room.

I perked up, "Yeah!"

"Which one?" Shisui asked, as he grabbed the remote and started to scroll through the options that were displayed on the huge TV.


"No, let's watch a horror movie." Sasuke suggested.

"Kimi no Na Wa?" Izumi asked, as she came into the room, and sat down next to me on the couch.

"The Muppets?" Sasori said, yet we all just glared at him. "Fine!" He raised his arms up in defeat.

"Sakura and Sasori are the guests here, they should choose." Itachi said, as he walked into the room, still wearing a black apron with red clouds on it. Much to my humor, the pattern was the same as the one of Sasori's pajamas and bathrobe. "By the way, dinner is ready." At that Shisui grinned, dropping the remote and running to the dining room. And hell, he ran fast, it was as if he had simply teleported.

Sniff sniff, I sniffed the aroma of the mouth-watering food as I sat down at the dining table, Sasuke in front of me, Sasori on my right and Izumi on my left. "Itadakimasu." We said in unison, before taking a bite out of the food.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Sakura, but your parents are currently out of the country for some business, hn." Fugaku said.

I couldn't help but feel a little resent towards my parents, whom I'd last seen on New Years, for only a few hours on that. Hell, they barely even had enough time to even send me a call. "Aa, yes they are out as of now, Fugaku-San." I replied with a tight lipped smile, trying to sound polite.

"Do you know when they are coming back? I think I would like to meet them, considering how wonderful their daughter is." Mikoto asked with a cheeky wink.

I blushed softly and giggled, recalling the date that I was told, "March 28th." The same day of my birthday and the day that I would finally figure out who my mystery text buddy is. "But I'm not sure how long they'll be staying for." I added with a frown.

"Aa, you're always aloud to stop by our home." Itachi told with a knowing smile. "Being your classmate, I think Sasuke would be fine with that, wouldn't he?" Itachi elbowed his brother's shoulder.


Sasori, Mikoto, and Itachi face-palmed to his response, whilst Shisui and I stifled a chuckle. If I were to get Sasuke a present, I would buy him a dictionary. In hopes that is vocabulary would expand.

**Time skip because my lazy ass is just not in the mood**

All of us, except Mikoto and Fugaku (who had had went to bed early) headed to the living room to finally watch a movie. After a heated argument (which ended with me trying to stab Sasori with the bobby pin that was in my hair), we finally came to the decision to watch a horror movie. Izumi, the only one who didn't like the idea, had to be talked into by Itachi, being the great diplomat that he was.

I stared at the screen, laughing my ass off as the people being chased by the killer did the dumbest stuff ever. Like no Lia, you definitely shouldn't go in the ghetto ass shack in the dead of the night. And Rai and Airi, you definitely should not be having sex right now. Honestly, how dumb could these people get. I glanced around the room to see how the rest were reacting. Izumi was terrified, clinging onto Itachi for dear life. Itachi was looking fondly at her, trying his best to calm her. Shisui had fallen asleep, and was snoring in an oddly endearing way. Sasori wasn't even paying attention to the movie, as was listening to music with his red headphones. And Sasuke? He looked deadass bored, yet still managed to still look hot.

Itachi looked me in the eye, and pointed to Sasuke with his chin, indicating that I should make some kind of move. I let out a sigh and though for a moment. And then reluctantly inched closer towards Sasuke, letting our fingers slightly graze against each other. Sasuke's gaze turned towards me, yet to my surprise he didn't take his hand away. Shit! What do I do now! I mentally yelped, my mind racing. Trying to be as casual as possible, I leaned myself against his side ever so slightly, tilting my head to his shoulder. Getting a little comfortable, I felt my eyes begin drop. Once. Twice. Thrice... And just like that, I had fallen asleep.

**Time skip because sleep is overrated**

I cracked open my eyes, the sunlight beaming past the curtains seared my eyes. Looking around, I realized that I must have fallen asleep as the movie had ended. Thank goodness that today was Saturday. And from the vacant spots, Izumi, Sasuke and Shisui had already woken up. After smoothening out my clothes and using my phone camera to fix my hair, I pranced off into the kitchen to meet the ones who had woken. Shisui was sitting at a table, and was inhumanly chugging steaming hot coffee. Izumi was making herself some tea. And for some reason, Sasuke was eating a raw tomato like an apple.

"What the hell, Sasuke." I croaked, pointing at the tomato.

"What? I like tomatoes." Sasuke said, as if it explained everything.

"But really? Raw?! And for breakfast?!"

"Hn, yeah. Want one?"

"I think I'll pass..."

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