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Sakura's POV

I'm boredddd! I internally screamed while I felt like snoozing during class. The only thing keeping me awake, were each and every gesture Sasuke made. Great! Just great! Now I've turned into one of Sasu's mindless fangirls! I thought.

"Class dismissed." The sensei droned. Finally! I was, skrrt skrrt, our of there. I grabbed my binders and books and left to go to my locker and prepare for the next class.

"Haruno." An alluringly familiar voice called out, sending shivers down my spine. I quickly turned around, tucking a strand of my collar length pink hair behind my ear.

"Sasuke-Kun? Is there anything you need?" I asked, making sure I didn't sound to breathless, as I felt the need to hyperventilate. My skin prickled as he studied me with his dark gaze.

"Aa." He leaned down and whispered into my ear. As if he only wanted me to hear what he was saying, "Yamanaka told me to give you this. Apparently these are your notes that she copied from."

"Oh?!" I said dumbly. "Yeah, I remember those."

"Hn, I'll just warn you that she had a stupid smirk on her face when she told me to do this."

I frowned, but quickly turned it into a smile, "Thank you, Sasuke-Kun!" I chirped, turning on my heels to walk away. Being as clumsy as I was, I almost tripped on my own feet. Only to be save by Sasuke, who had grabbed the shoulder of my sleeve, preventing me from falling.

"Be careful, Haruno." Sasuke warned me, raising his eye brows and shooting me a wary look.

"H-hai..." I mumbled, dusting myself off and curtly nodded. "Thanks for the, um, catch."

"No problem, Sakura." Sasuke returned the nod with and genuine smile, "See you at studywith Kakashi." My mind raced as he addressed me by my first name. Not to mention the fact that he smiled at me. You got that right! Mr. Sasuke Emo Uchiha smiled at me, of all people! For some reason, I felt blessed.

"Y-yeah!" I replied, a touch too fast. "Talk to you later, Sasuke-Kun." Sasuke hn'd and made his was to his next class. I softly sighed, the butterflies in my stomach fading away as Sasuke left.

"Sakura!" Ino sing-songed. "Did I just see you make Sasuke smile?!" She giggled.

I blushed softly and chuckled, lightly punching Ino's arm. "It probably wasn't because of me, Pig."

"Ah, but I've never seen him smile at anybody else like that."

"Maybe somebody drugged him? He has a lot of crazed fangirls, you know..."

"Sakura! You and your wild imagination!"

"Hey, it ain't me. It's Inner saying all of this."

Ino rolled her eyes, "Be honest, at least say that you think Sasuke is hot. Honestly, you two would make a pretty kick-ass pairing. Both of you are hella strong and smart."

I choked on my own saliva. "S-Sasuke wouldn't got out with me!" I coughed, "F-fine! Don't tell anybody, thought! Only you and another person know about this!" I coughed out as Ino thumped my back.

"Alright alr— Wait?! Did you just say somebody else knows about this?! Before you told me!" Ino gasped. Thank goodness there was nobody else in the hallway.

"I'll tell you later! I have class in a few minutes! Gotta go, Miss. Piggy." I laughed at Ino's pouting expression.

"Time may be on your side! But you won't get away with this!" Ino grumbled, "Let's meet at Mitarashi Family Dango after school, Billboard brow!"

"Cha! See ya later!"

**This time skip was brought to you by Sai's crop tops**

"Hey, Forehead! I'm surprised you actually showed up." Ino squealed, offering me some of the dango she had ordered.

"I keep my promises." I shrugged, "It's my nindo, my ninja way." I referred to the childhood obsession with ninjas almost everybody I knew had.

Ino giggled and clapped her hands, "So then spill! Who's this mystery person who you spilled to?"

"Um, etto..." I trailed off warily, "To be honest, I don't know who he his..."

Ino's eyes bulged, "You told a stranger about this but you didn't tell your best friend!"

"First of all, the stranger isn't really much of a stranger anymore. I've been texting him since school started. So he is now an amazing friend!" I started, "And two, Ino, I'm still trying to sort out my feelings, shannaro."

Ino's eyes glittered with interest, "Do you have any hints on who this boy is?"

I nodded my head to say yes, "He's in our class apparently. He also has black hair."

"Hmmm..." Ino thought, listing the black hair boys in our class. Shikamaru, Shino, Sasuke, and two others.

"He isn't Shikamaru, nor is he Shinto. Tomato said it himself."


"Not my choice! He refused to tell me his name, so I asked him what I should call him. That's what he said!"

"So anyways, that leaves the other three. Could I see the number? I'll probably know who it is." Ino said. I pulled out my phone and showed her the number. Ino's eyebrows shot up, as she had a strange expression on her face. She kinda looked like she was holding back a fit of laughter.

"Do you recognize it?" I asked.

"Nope." Ino bluntly stated. "I'm frankly, pretty dam surprised don't know what number. Shorely, the boy probably got a new phone number." Ino said. (...)

Just at that moment, her phone rang, "Who is it?" I requested to know.

"It's Sai! I was getting caught up in what you were telling, so I forgot to tell you that I asked him out earlier today! He said yes, so we are going on a date soon!"

I grinned, happy for my best friend, "Ah well, you have fun, Piggy. You deserve a good guy."

"Thanks, Forehead! Sayōnara!"


I frowned and paid the other half of the bill. Sure, I was really proud of Ino. But I just wasn't a big fan of Sai. He was, how do I put this? Emotionally needing of help, perhaps? But I put that aside, and smiled. My little piglet was growing up!

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