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A/N: Sakura will be wearing the third outfit (the one with the green spaghetti strap top and white pants) 😌😊😘

This chapter isn't written as well has I had hoped
But ehh :)
I enjoyed writing it

Haruno Sakura took in a deep breath, nervously glancing at her phone even few seconds, counting each and every second that went by. The Uchiha Sasuke, the pinkette's former crush, and now boyfriend, was taking her out on their first date, so it was the it was the least to say she was a little nervous. She felt a hodgepodge of feelings. Excitement, anxiety, and curiosity. Sakura drummed her slender, pastel green nailed, finger upon the leather of her purse. Sasuke-kun should be here any minute now, Outer. So just take a breath. Shannaro, no need to get worked up!

Ding dong!

"Your boyfriend is here, Hime!" Haruno Kizashi deeply chuckled, calling out to his blushing cherry daughter. "Go get em' Sakura! Good luck!"

"Thanks, Dad!" Sakura nodded, hugging her father, the proceeding to not leave Sasuke waiting. "Hello, Sasuke-kun!" She chirped, gently pecking his cheek.

"Hn." Sasuke greeted her with a smirk, "Oh, hi Kizashi-san." He looked past his girlfriend's shoulder.

"Give her a fun time, Sasuke!" Kizashi teased with a close eyed grin, "Just bring her back safe."

Sasuke nodded at Kizashi, then turned to Sakura, "Shall we get going?"

"Yeah! Shannaro!"



"So, where to?" Sakura asked, as the young couple got into Sasuke's car.

Sasuke glances to his side, "Let's go to the park, eh? You can choose where we go after we have a walk."

Sakura's verdant eye glimmered, "Yay!" She giggled like a little kid. Sakura loved the park. The crisp breezes that would tickle her skin as it would ruffle the leaves of the towering trees. The warm blanket of sunlight that made her skin glow. And the sounds of the birds as the sanded in the cloudless blue skies. There, at the park, Sakura felt at peace, her mind clear and calm. What better to do than share her happy place with her beloved boyfriend? "I'd love to, Sasuke-kun!"


Sasuke turned on some music as they drove to one of the city's more private, but no less stunning, parks, Magnolia park. (Fairy Tail, heheh) He let out a soft chuckle as Sakura sang along with the radio, amazed at how she always seemed light and aloof, careless and free. Like a flower falling with the wind. Yet he didn't forget that she could seriously kick ass if called for. The black haired boy recalled the time Sakura managed with a person who had made fun of her forehead, and the purple accessory mark in the middle, by roasting their ass into next Tuesday. Sakura Haruno was certainly a person of worth his interest.

"You should sing too, Sasuke-kun!"

"I think I'll pass..."






"Please no?"

"Fufufu... Fine."


Together, the two walked through the serene Magnolia park, taking in the scent of the flora and the presence of the fauna. Yet for a moment, Sakura stoped dead in her track. "What?" Sasuke asked her.

"Remember my worst fear? Sakura sheepishly turned to her boyfriend, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Yeah... Hn... Those pigeons scare you."

"Oop!" Sakura cringed. "They make me feel uneasy."

Sasuke grumbled, shooing away the pesky birds from their path forwards, "Usuratonkachi..."

"Haha, eff you, idiotic, beady-eyed, avian creatures!" Sakura flipped off the pigeons as they flew off into the the distance.

"Hn, you really hate them, don't you."

"Cha! I despise them!"

"You're weird, Sakura."

"Thanks, Sasu-kun, I try."

"Of course..."

"Hey can we go to the mall after this?"


Sakura's stomach grumbled as they walked through Konoha's mall. She let out an embarrassed chuckled as Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "I guess I'm kinda hungry, Sasuke-kun. Can we go to that café for lunch? Hinata told me that it's really good."

"Sure. Naruto's also told me about it." Sasuke shrugged, opening the door for his girlfriend.

"Welcome to Leaf Café! I'm Fukumi, how may I help you two?" A brown haired waitress greeted the couple, her gaze lingering on Sakura a tad longer than Sasuke had fancied. Thankfully Sakura's clinginess sent Fukumi the proper message. Sasuke let out a grunt of relief. "Come right this way!" Fukumi giggled, handing them each a menu book. "Any drinks? Water, soda, juice, or a smoothie?"

Sakura's eyes flicked over the menu, "I'll take, um, a... I guess water will be alright." Fukumi's pen flew across her note pad as Sasuke also asked for water.

Moments later, the chocolate brown haired waitress cake back with the glasses of iced water, "Ready for your orders?" Fukumi questioned.


Sakura fiddled with the seem of her white skinny fit jeans, clearly unhappy that her wonderful date was coming to an end. She wished than she could spend more time with Sasuke. It had been so much fun, it was unfortunate that things were coming to and end, "Awww! No fun! Can't we hang around for a bit longer?" Sakura pouted as Sasuke has to drop her back to her home. "I had so much fun, Sasuke-kun!"

Sasuke smirked, "Your parents, or at least your mother, might murder if I hold you back. I don't feel like dying today. How about sometime soon?"

"So a second date?!" Sakura's vibrant green eyes sparkled with childlike innocence.

"Sure," Sasuke ran his finger through his black duckbutt styled hair, "a second date."

Sakura grinned broadly, "Shannaro! See you at school, Sasuke-kun!" She leaned over, planted a kiss upon Sasuke's cheeks, and ensnared him in a tight hug, "Bye!"

"Bye, Sakura. See you later."

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