Cross x Shy! Depressed! Reader

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a/n: hi thanks for reading! This is for @XxAfter_LifexX hope you like it! creds to @MoondreamTheHybrid for being awesome and writing this with me at 1:00 in the morning after burning down down down a minecraft forest Down down down LAMJASDGJLDSH (hewwo, peoples, for I am here.) [uwu] (dang it)[uwuwuwuwuuw] (i am a responsible human being.🖕.) [no] (aw)[shhh we gotta write](🖕)[-cries-](we good frends)[oui oui b a g u e t t e](yeehaw yeehaw c h e e s e b u r g e r)[ok we need to seriously shut up and start writing this](foine)(;D🖕 she can't see meeee)

"everyone, attention please." Nightmare's voice grabbed the attention of everyone sitting at the table, as the room fell into silence. "this, is (Y/n)."

You walked in, feeling slightly nervous, as Nightmare introduced you to the group. All eye(sockets) turned to you, staring you down. You couldn't help but feel your self esteem crumble, as with any social situation.

Your older brother, Nightmare, led some sort of gang. At least, that's what you called it, despite his annoyed reaction to the word. You also had a younger brother, Dream, but you hadn't really spoken to him in a while. To be honest, you hadn't spoken to either of them in a while. As far as you had known, there was some sort of feud between them at the moment. You, like most situations, decided to stay neutral.

It made sense, considering you were the guardian of neutral feelings . . . not that there were much of those nowadays. Nightmare guarded negative feelings, and Dream positive. You were often overlooked, but to be honest, you didn't really mind. Seeing how badly your brothers were affected by those extreme emotions, you were perfectly content staying smack *dab* in the middle.

Given the feud, you weren't able to speak to Nightmare and Dream much. Before it started, the three of you hung out all the time, when you weren't busy with your jobs. But after the whole apple scenario went down . . . the three of you hadn't spoken for a while.

However, Nightmare had approached you one day. He asked you if you could come stay at his castle with him. You didn't need to do anything at all, he just missed your company. Knowing him that was surprising, but you came anyways. He probably had ulterior motives, but you didn't really care.

You were an indifferent person. Not cold at all, not mean or anything like that. Just indifferent. Things didn't matter as much to you. It wasn't bad enough to be a mental illness (although Dream did occasionally ask you if you had depression and encourage you to get therapy), you were just more of a laid back person.

The few times you did find yourself out of your comfort zone however, was in social situations. Much like the one you were in right now.

There were a good few skeletons surrounding you. You didn't know their names, except for Error. The glitchy one. Nightmare had mentioned him a few times.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)," you spoke, before internally cringing at yourself. He already said your name, you didn't need to repeat it!! You struggled to maintain your composure, although it was kind of obvious to the others that you were uncomfortable.

"niGhTmaRe'S sIStEr, hUH?" Error said, his voice glitching. "dO YoU gUarD fEeLinGs LiKe hE dOEs?"

"Yeah. Neutral feelings." You gave him an awkward expression, scratching the back of your head as you prayed you could just go hide in a room for the remainder of the day. Or month. Hopefully even year.

". . .cOoL."

Everyone at the table stood in an awkward silence, looking around for anyone to speak up. After a few minutes, when nobody did, you politely excused yourself and ran to the room Nightmare had shown you to earlier.

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