Error x Birthday!Reader

458 17 10

(another one bc yay. Happy B-Day Rachel!!)

You huffed, flipping the other way in your bed and throwing the blanket off your bed angrily. You had been tossing and turning for hours. It was getting annoying.

You sighed, giving up on the ability to sleep, before standing up and stretching out. Your boyfriend wasn't sharing the bed with you tonight, he was out doing something. The ONE time you actually wanted some night time cuddles....

It made it worse that it was your birthday too. I mean, it wasn't like he forgot or anything, he just apparently had "work" to do tonight. You knew he was somewhat of a "population control" guy, making sure there weren't too many universes, but he didn't work THAT much... Maybe he was planning a surprise party?

You got pretty excited at that idea, your sleepiness immediately disappearing as you curiously wondered what kind of things he had planned. Even so, you would rather have had him spend the night with you...

You laid back down into your bed, sighing as you cuddled up under the covers, checking your alarm clock. 1:23. "Happy birthday to me," you sighed. Closing your eyes as you cuddled a small stuffed animal.

You slowed your breathing, smiling to yourself as you let your mind wander to various daydreams of how the day would go.

The door opened softly with a creak, and you kept your eyes shut. The door clicked! Shut, and you heard soft footsteps walking towards your bed. You stayed crouched under the sheets in fetal position, clutching your stuffed animal tightly. The mattress sunk slightly beside you, as you heard Error sigh.

He spoke. "(y/n)?"

You smiled softly to yourself, keeping your eyes tightly shut.

"...(y/N)? yOu aSlEeP?" He softly poked you, and you tried your best to keep still.

He sighed, before pulling up the blankets and getting under the covers with you, turning over to where you faced and fluffily started to cuddle you in a spoon position.

"Work lasted a while."

He jumped at your voice. "hEh, yeAh. SOrRy aBouT tHAt. I tOLd tHe bOSs tHaT i nEedEd tHe dAY oFf bUt hE wOUlDn'T liSten. lUCkilY i cOUld gEt bAck a BiT faStEr, bUt i'M stiLl soRry fOR tHE WaiT."

You snuggled up into his embrace, sighing drowsily. "Yeah, it's fine."

The two of you sat in a small, comfortable silence, the only sound your beating heart and steady breathing.

"I'm still a little sad you couldn't be here for most of the night."

"weLl tHe nIGht isN't oVEr yET."

"Mmm, I guess." You sighed, holding your bear tighter as you shut your eyes.

"...aRe, aRE YoU mAd?" he said.

You paused. "No, no not really. I shouldn't be, at least."

"i'M reAlLy sOrrY."

"Oh, no, don't apologize. It's okay." You smiled softly, and the tension eased slightly. The two of you continued to lay together silently, before he spoke up.



"hApPy biRthDaY."

"Thanks, Error. Sweet dreams."

"sWeeT dREamS."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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