Error x Sick! Reader

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Alr hardly anyone reads this so I don't get any requests excluding Tori- 

And I didn't want to bombard her begging for requests, so I decided to do this!  Also, I feel like any type of xsickreader is honestly so cute. >w< Hope you enjoy!

word count: 549

It was around 7ish PM, when Error returned home from work. To his surprise, he found you laying on a couch. You were cuddled up into fetal position, clinging onto a blanket. That's weird... Error thought. Normally he returned home to your bright eyes, and wide smile.

He crouched down, leveling his face to yours. He rested his chin along with his arms on the edge of the couch. He cocked his head slightly as he stared at your face. You looked awful, to put it nicely.

The normal rosy glow in your cheeks was replaced by pallor, and your eyes had shades of purple underneath. 

He narrowed his eyes, as Error brushed hair out of your face. He gently stroked your cheek, whispering your name.

"(Y/n).... Wake up..." He cooed, attempting to ease you out of your sleep.

Your eyes slowly opened, your pupils adjusting to the sudden change of lighting. You awoke to see your boyfriend's face, his expression hard yet concerned. You let out a soft 'Hmmm,' as you stared into his mismatched eyes.

"Hey," He started, pulling another strand of loose hair from your face. "You alright?"

You sat up slowly, and Error then sat next to you, supporting your back with his hand, helping you up. "I'm not sure..."

Error narrowed his eyes. "(Y/n). Tell me what's wrong." He said this harshly, and you winced. His eyes immediately widened, as he let out a quiet apology. 

"I.. I truthfully don't know. I think I just caught something.." You started to say,  but you were interrupted by the sudden need to cough. Error immediately rubbed your back, and held you close while you coughed violently into your arm.

After your coughing fit was over, you felt even worse than before. There was just a general sickly feeling throughout your body, and you were overwhelmed by fatigue. Your boyfriend noticed this, and gently laid you back down. "I'll go grab you some water, stay here."

You let out a halfhearted chuckle as you closed your eyes, and made a small smile. "It's not like I'm gonna go anywhere. 

A few moments later Error returned with a glass of ice cold water. He positioned himself next to you as you weakly attempted to take the cup from him. He handed it to you, making sure you could hold it. 

As you sipped the icy cold liquid, he felt your head. "Geeze... (Y/n)... You're burning up."

You let out yet another cough as you handed the water back to Error.

He set it down on a coffee table, and pulled you into a warm embrace. He wrapped a blanket around your shivering body, as he pulled you close to his body. Your face against his chest, you violently let out another few coughs. Error rubbed your back soothingly, telling you to breathe.

You let out an audible sigh as you closed your eyes yet again, Error continued to rub your back.

"(Y/n), sleep well, ok?"

You nodded and let your fatigue overcome you.

His warm, soothing hands wrapped around your back....

His chin rested on top of your head....

Your face pressed against his warm chest....

You smiled to yourself, as you drifted into a sleep full of lovely dreams.

AU SANSXREADER ONESHOT BOOK!Where stories live. Discover now