Passive! Nightmare x Sick! Reader

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(This was a request from LillithTheNerdyDemon who I can't tag unfortunately because in wattpad for some reason it glitches for me >:( 


Enjoy! :D

"Yes, she's right in there. You can go in, but be quiet please, she was napping last I saw." The soft voice of your matron could be heard outside of your door, slightly muffled. 

You snuggled up in bed even more, twisting your body to face away from the door. You squinted your eyes shut, attempting to pretend you were asleep. And hopefully, in the process, actually fall back asleep.

The door softly creaked open, and two sets of footsteps could be heard- The familiar clicking of your matron's heels leading away from your room, and softer ones walking towards you.

You smiled, suppressing a giggle, and continued to fake your sleep, although you were now wide awake. You definitely knew who those footsteps belonged to.

A wooden chair squeaking across the floor could be heard on the other side of the bed, and someone sat down on it. You continued to fake sleep, although you couldn't hide your smile. Luckily, in your case, you were facing the other way, and he couldn't see your face.

Who was he?

Nightmare, of course!

Or, as you loved to call him, Lucid.

You could hear your best friend's familiar sigh from behind you. You let out a small laugh despite yourself, praying he wouldn't notice.

"(Y/n), I know you're awake."

 His voice induced another small, stifled giggle from you.

The chair screeched again, and Lucid stood up from it. You squeezed your eyes shut, as he walked over to the side you were facing. Getting down onto his knees, he rested his chin on the mattress, inches from your face.

"(Y/n)! Stop messing around" He sounded playful yet irritated. Out of spite, he poked you softly on the nose, in which you finally surrendered and your eyes fluttered open.

However, with a determined and mischievous laugh, you swiftly turned back to the other side.

Lucid, however, wasn't one to give up easily either.

He ran over to the other side, back where the chair was, and assumed the same position. This time, however, to your surprise, he headbutted you.

"OW!!!" You sat up, rubbing your aching forehead. "What was that for???"

"Not my fault you were being stubborn." He stood up, and crossed his arms.

You and Lucid had an... Interesting relationship, to put it lightly.

Lucid didn't have many other friends. Mostly because, despite his calm and centered personality, he suffered from many insecurities.

That's why it surprised him so much when you had both first wanted to become friends.

You were both really tiny tots then- Still were, but a good few years older. A playful (Y/n) had ran up to him one day, and plopped down beside him.

Lucid had his face deep into a book, completely oblivious to his surroundings. That's why it startled him greatly, when a bright, "Whatcha readin'?" was spoken loudly into his ear.

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