Dust x Birthday!Reader

357 14 17

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your friend asked me to write these for you, so here you are!




(You thought it was a cliche alarm clock, but it was I! MICROWAVE!)

Your microwave beeped to signal it was finished, and you pulled your poptart out of it. Why were you microwaving a Poptart? Because you were insane!

Your boyfriend wasn't QUITE as insane as you were. I mean, microwaving poptarts? That is one of the greatest sins you can commit. Nobody in their right mind does that.

He certainly had a past that involved some, err... not so nice things, but he was doing a lot better now. You were aware of these things, but you knew he wouldn't hurt you. He was your dustbunny, and you had complete faith in him.

At the moment it was 11:46 PM. You knew this by checking the digital clock on the oven, conveniently placed right under your microwave. You took a bite out of your gooey strawberry Pop Tart, savoring the distinct flavor of tart strawberry jam. Normally you wouldn't be eating so many Pop Tarts (you were on your sixth), but it was your birthday tomorrow. You deserved this.

You looked around your kitchen, squinting in an attempt to see through the darkness. You flicked on a light switch, reeling back and shielding your eyes from the blinding light. "Oww..." you mumbled sleepily, creating a tiny gap in your arms in order to let a bit of light filter through.

You heard Dust's signature yawn from the other room, as you listened to his footsteps trail down the stairs. You squinted at the doorway, waiting for him to come in.

Dust walked in sporting his signature hoodie, a pair of comfy looking pajama pants bringing out the blues in his outfit. You yourself were donning your favorite pajamas. AKA a long, blue, cozy nightgown.

He yawned, before walking behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. He groggily mumbled a greeting, and you let out a small laugh in return.

"whatcha eating?" he asked, pointing to the Poptart in your fingers.

"Pop Tart." You took another bite out of said food, smiling.

"can i have one?"

"Mmmmmmmmaybe, but then again, it IS my birthday...." you snickered.

Dust threw a glance over to the oven. "liar, it's 11:57. give, now." He then started trying to grab the Poptart out of your hand, the two of you bickering as you did your best to keep it out of reach.

"Hey, that's mine!! Stop!!!"


"No, back off!"


"DIE!! It's mine!!" The two of you looked as if you were sloppily waltzing around the kitchen before you ended up in the living room. He finally managed to wrestle you down onto a couch, still fighting for the Poptart. "Oh my god, there are more in the box!" you shouted.

"i want that one."

"WHY?!?!?" you yelled.

"cause you had it." He finally managed to yank it out of your hands. Despite your kicking and protesting, he lifted it up to his mouth victoriously. Just before he was about to bite down however, the two of you were silenced by the tolling of the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.




It continued on in the background, you smirking as you used the interruption to retrieve your snack. "Happy birthday to me!" You happily took another bite of the Poptart.

Dust sighed, before laying on top of you and embracing you tightly, snuggling into your neck. "happy birthday to you."

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