Crystal Sans x Reader (Part 2! RE-RELEASE)

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You unlocked the door and you both headed inside.

Crystal looked around, and sat you down on a nearby couch. "your head doing ok?"

"...Sorta... ow-" You head your aching head in your hands, wincing in pain.

Crystal frowned, and gave you a reassuring pat on the back, before walking into your kitchen. "hey, do you have tylenol here?" She checked the cupboards.

"Yeah, top left."



Crystal reappeared by your side, handing you pills and a glass of water.

Were you letting strangers inside your house?


Were you taking pills from strangers?


Was this a good idea?

Absolutely not.

Were you awake enough to care?


Crystal sat with you on the couch, making sure that you were ok. Noticing how close the both of you were, she backed up very slightly, a purple/indigo faint blush appearing on her cheekbones. She scratched her skull awkwardly.

"so, uh. . . anyways," She turned to you. "your name was (y/n), right?"

"Yep." You closed your eyes, caressing your aching head. "And you're Crystal?"

"that would be me," she chuckled. You let out a very soft smile, still rubbing your injured head.

"Oh! Yeah, uh. . ." You turned to her. "Thanks about this, by the way."

"anytime." She smiled.

You smiled back.


For the next few hours, you both made small talk. Then small talk turned into conversation. Conversation turned into jokes, and jokes turned into bonding. Before you knew it, you had found yourselves becoming great friends.

Well, at least, that's all you could remember once you woke up the next morning, laying on the couch, a blanket neatly placed over you.

You found a note left on the coffee table, written in messy yet readable handwriting.

Heya. It was fun!I I guess I'll see you at the coffee shop sometime.

Hope your head's doing alright.


You smiled at the letter, noting that your head DID feel much better from last night; Only a small portion of pain still lingered by your temples.

Needless to say, you saw her at the coffee shop the next day.

Soon enough, the two of you had become good friends; Crystal regularly visiting your house, bringing new terrible puns and new stories about the other AU's she had explained to you each visit. However, at the moment, Crystal hadn't appeared in your house yet.

You leaned against the marble kitchen countertop, tapping your fingers in boredom. You cradled your chin in your hands, sighing.

However, interrupting your loneliness, a familiar voice called out behind you.

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