Fell Sans x Scared! Reader

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This was a request from 

Who is AWESOME! Thanks for requesting this and I hope you like it!


You slammed your oak door shut, as you sauntered into your house. You lazily kicked off your shoes, and plopped down onto your couch with a groan.

Stupid exams.

You had just gotten back from your finals. College was fun, and you were grateful for the opportunity to attend it, but exams were the absolute WORST.

Sighing into the fluffy pillow you clutched in your aching hands, you sat up from the couch. You swept some loose fly-away strands from your face, and grabbed your phone. 

4:58 PM.

Those exams must have taken longer than you thought.

Exhaling, you stood up and ran over to your kitchen. You turned on the sink faucet, and grabbed a glass from your cupboard. As you filled it with water, you debated on what to do for the rest of the evening.

After that long and sucky day, you deserved some *you* time. After all, you hadn't been out of your apartment in weeks, the only exception being college.

Starbucks? Spa day? Wait, no, I'm too broke for a spa. Starbucks is closing soon anyways....

Out of ideas, you took a sip from your icy glass mug, and unlocked your phone. Scrolling through your messages, you clicked on Mya's messages.

Mya: Hey (Y/n)! Just got out of exams. Whatsup?

You typed a response.

(Y/n): I just got off exams too. I was thinking of taking some me time, but I'm not sure what to do.

To your surprise, Mya must have been holding her phone with her, because she responded pretty quickly.

Mya: Starbucks? Spa?

(Y/n): Starbucks is closing soon. Too broke for spa.

Mya: Makes sense. What about like..... Uh, yoga?

(Y/n): dude no

Mya: Hey I'm sorry!!! It always relaxes me!

You internally facepalmed, and typed out another message.

(Y/n): You're good lol. Any other ideas?

Mya: If not spa, starbucks, or yoga, go out and get a drink!!! You deserve it!

(Y/n): That sounds fun, but where would I even go? Have any recommendations?

Mya: I've been to grillby's a few times and so have other people I know; The food is really good, not to mention the alcohol.

(Y/n): Sounds cool, I'll look it up. Thanks again!

Mya: Np!!! <33

You smiled, and shut off your phone. You took your drink as well as a cookie as you left the kitchen, and down the hallway of your small apartment. You quickly sat yourself at your desk and bit the cookie, unlocking your computer.

"Okayyy... Grillby's...." You typed into the search engine, looking for locations and reviews.

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