21. "Thoughts of you."

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"Whoa!" A startled exclaim left my mouth as I entered my bedroom upon my return from college and found a tall figure already present there.

"Well good afternoon, Mrs. Ethan." He smirked at me, looking immaculate and strikingly handsome as ever.

"You scared me! How are you home so early today?" I retorted, placing my hand on my chest in an attempt to slow down my racing heart.

I watched his gaze drop to my breasts, and smirked before walking up to him slowly and wrapping my arms around his neck, breathing in the sensual proximity of our faces.

"Do you like what you see?" I whispered sensuously, locking eyes with him.

"I most certainly do." Ethan's voice came out low and raspy as he gazed at me with a gleaming passion in his eyes.

"So what brings you home early today?" I questioned, keeping my voice low and running my arms over his, steadily, so as to maintain the sensual atmosphere around us.

"Thoughts of you." Came his reply, and I smiled at him, tracing my finger over his beautiful face. I felt him remove the straps of my backpack from my shoulders before he tossed it onto the floor.

"I was informed that you had a meeting at this time." I pointed out.

"I cancelled it." He replied, slowly and gently running his hands all over my body, giving rise to goosebumps and delicious shivers.

"Why?" My voice came out breathless as he raised my shirt and played with my belly button with one of his fingers.

"Because I can." A loud gasp left my throat as he abruptly turned me around so that my back was pressed flush against his front. I could feel my core heating up and my breathing becoming more erratic. I awaited his next move patiently, biting my bottom lip, anticipating what he might do.

My lips parted as I felt him grab my hands and hold them behind me before tying them up together—neither too tight nor too loose. I glanced back and found his tie now missing from around his neck. I bit my lip again to keep my smile from spreading. The anticipation and the suspense of what he was going to do was driving me crazy.

He turned me back around, a little softly this time and gazed into my eyes once again. "Do you like this?" He asked.

"Yes." My voice came out as almost a whisper as I looked up at him, filled with desire. I had always wanted to try something like that.

"I hope your hands don't hurt. Do you want me to loosen up the tie a bit?" The fact that he was worried about hurting me was adorable.

"No, Ethan. It's perfect like this." I whispered, silently yearning for his touch.

His lips stretched up into a breathtaking smile before he grabbed my chin and locked lips with me. He kissed me with a lot of fervour, letting me know of the desire and need he held for me. His tongue explored my mouth, causing a burst of delicious sensations everywhere in my body. When his mouth left mine, I was a bit disappointed. I wanted more. As I tried to reach forward and grab his face to bring his lips to mine again, I realised they were tied up. The vulnerability turned me on even more, making me wetter.

I held my breath as he unbuttoned his off-white dress shirt in haste and then tossed it onto the floor next to my backpack. The sight of his chest and his abs was a treat to my eyes.

He elicited a gasp out of me as he tore my shirt in one swift move, throwing it onto the floor as well. My mouth hung open and he took the opportunity to once again lock lips with me, kissing me with more passion and fervour. His hands moved to my back to unhook my bra and get rid of it, before he fondled one of my breasts with his hand while his other hand held my face. I moaned into his mouth.

His lips left mine to trail wet kisses onto my neck, leaving me hot and wanton. "Ah!" I exclaimed as his warm mouth enveloped one of my nipples and sucked on it. I felt like grabbing his shoulders for support but my hands were behind my back, tied up.

He continued the pleasurable assault on my other breast, continually driving me insane. Thankfully his arms enveloped me just as my knees were bucking in, and then he pushed me onto our bed, hastily removing my jeans and then my panties. The next moment he was on top of me and kissing my body down to my navel. I let out another exclaim as his tongue made contact with my belly button, arching my back backward as I felt the sensations down in my core.

He kissed the inside of my thighs and when his tongue collided with my clitoris, I lost it. My body bucked beneath him in delicious ecstasy as I cried out his name, the waves of my orgasm washing over me while he continued rubbing my clitoris with his tongue.

He knew how to make a woman feel good.


I rubbed my stomach gently as me and Ethan drove to the gynaecologist's clinic. I was slightly nervous, hoping with all my heart that our baby was okay.

"Loosen up, love. I'm sure everything's fine." Ethan said to me soothingly, his eyes on the road.

I let out a sigh. "Yeah, I hope."

"You didn't tell me about your day at college today." He changed the topic.

"It was normal. Anatomy was exasperating, although I enjoyed dissection hall today." I told him, relaxing in my seat.

"My wife is gonna be a great doctor." He said, and I grinned goofily at his words.

"I hope so." I replied softly, the smile still plastered on my face.

"I know so." He replied with assurance and belief in his tone. I looked at him with my eyes shining.

"You're so supportive of me." I commented.

"You're supportive of me." He replied.

"Speaking of which; how are things at work? We haven't had a conversation about that yet."

"Everything is going smoothly..." he trailed off, and I noticed his muscles tensing. I could sense something was off.

"What's wrong?" I asked eagerly.

"Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart."

"Tell me, please." I insisted.

He sighed deeply. "We're here. Let's get your check up done first."


"You're officially two months pregnant. Things look great. You need to watch over your diet, though." The doctor spoke to me kindly, giving me an affectionate smile at the end.

I sighed in content and gave her a smile of my own. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Take good care of your wife, Mr. Woods." She said to Ethan and he nodded his head. He, too, looked relieved.

"Alright, that's it then. I'm prescribing you these vitamins. Make sure you take them regularly." She said, scribbling down a prescription and then handing it over to us. Ethan took it and then we headed for the pharmacy.

On our drive back home, I thought of asking Ethan about what was up at work again, but I had a feeling he wouldn't tell me. "Babe?" I called.


"I'm craving donuts." I professed bashfully, watching his lips turn up into a grin.

"We'll grab some donuts for my beautiful wife then."

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