8. "You've already broken mine."

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I was overwhelmed by a number of emotions.

As I walked out of the clinic, different thoughts circled around my brain. I was initially perplexed as I wasn't expecting to get pregnant. Well Ana, babies happen when you have sex, especially without a condom.

I was happy that Ethan and I were going to have a baby but also scared of his reaction. Surely, he'd be glad, no?

Or what if he doesn't want babies?

He never mentioned that. But then again, we never had a conversation about it.

I didn't know how to break the news to him. What I was sure about, though, was that I didn't want to tell him such a big news on the phone.


I was in my room, stilling pondering about my pregnancy. My hand found its way on top of my tummy. There's a life inside of me. Mine and Ethan's baby. The doctor had said that I was four weeks pregnant.

I still hadn't told anyone about it, not even Ariana. I wanted Ethan to be the first one to know. He'd be back the day after tomorrow and then I would unveil the secret.


Sophia and I went to a high-class party that night. I wasn't really into the idea but she was persistent, and I found it rude and futile to deny.

I always found it hard to fit in that world of glamour. Especially because most of those people were pretending. All of that luxury was nothing but pretence and a mask.

"I'll be right back." Sophia said to me and disappeared off to somewhere. I wandered off to the corner, looking around and finding men and women dressed in the most glamorous of outfits, drinking from classy glasses and seeming comfortable with themselves. I admired how those women carried such gorgeous gowns so effortlessly. If only I could be so impeccable.

"Hello there." A male voice said out of the blue, startling me.

"Um hi." I responded uneasily.

"I'm Caleb Greene. And you are?" He introduced himself, his heavy gaze making me feel discomfited.

Caleb Greene.... wait! That's Ethan's biggest business rival!

I glared up at him. A rival of my husband is a rival of mine. "I'm Anastasia Ethan. Mrs. Ethan Woods."

He seemed caught aback. "You are Ethan's wife?"

"Yes." I responded, continuing to glower at him.

"Well it's a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Ethan Woods." I didn't fail to hear the mock in his tone and felt like punching him. But my intentions subsided when I felt the familiar nauseating feeling. Subconsciously, I grabbed onto Caleb's arm as my blood pressure dropped. "Are you alright?" He questioned, wrapping his arms around me. My vision was blurry and I feebly tried pushing him away.

"Do you want me to take you home if you're feeling unwell?" I felt his hand on my cheek.

"No!" I exclaimed, pushing him away as my vision became clear. With faltering steps, I walked away from him and managed to ask a lady for the directions to the bathroom.


"Ana, where have you been?" Sophia asked me as I walked back to where she had left me after recovering from my vomiting episode. Pregnancy sure ain't easy...

"Yeah... I... just wanna go home." I said, hoping to hear no arguments about it.

"Oh sure. Let's go." Thank God.


Ethan's arrival day finally came. I was impatiently waiting for him in our room. I couldn't wait to tell him that he was going to be a father. The father of our child.

Almost an hour later, my bedroom door finally opened and I saw the face of my handsome husband whom I had missed so much. His hair was disheveled, his tie missing and his face showed signs of stress.

"Ethan, babe, I missed you so much." I quickly walked over to wrap my arms around him.

I stepped back in confusion when he didn't wrap his arms around me as well. I searched for emotions on his face; it was stone cold.

I leaned in to kiss him but it was like a punch in the heart when he moved his face away.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, my heart sinking.

"Why don't you tell me that, Ana?" I was shocked to hear his harsh tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, wondering why he was behaving that way instead of wrapping me up in his arms and showing me love.

"Why did you do this to me?" He asked me in the same rough tone.

"Ethan, I don't know what you're talking about!" I said exasperatedly.

He shoved his hand roughly into his pants' pocket and pulled out his phone. Putting in his password and tapping at the screen, he turned it so that I could see.

My mouth hung open in shock at the sight of the photo and the headline of the article. I took the phone from him and my eyes read the horrible words.

Ethan Woods' wife was spotted with his biggest rival, Caleb Greene at a recent party and the two seemed quite close. Mrs. Anastasia Ethan was seen encased in Mr. Greene's arms....

I stopped reading, my head spinning, and returned Ethan his phone.

"Ethan, this isn't true."

"Oh really? 'Cause there's photos of you two!" He snapped and my eyes brimmed with tears. Ethan was the last person whom I thought would ever doubt me.

"Don't you trust me? Are you accusing me of infidelity? Because Ethan, I love only you and I can't even imagine being with someone else."

"I do trust you! But I'm damn furious. What do you expect? For me to be glad or ecstatic about you being so close to some other man, none other than my very own rival! You know how I despise him." He exclaimed, breaking me into pieces with every word he spoke.


"What the hell were you even doing there?! I open my phone to text you and I see photos of my wife with my rival and he's touching her!"

"I didn't want to be there! Sophia insisted—"

"Sophia is not your boss. You aren't compelled to do everything she asks you to! Didn't I tell you to not go anywhere other than college while I'm gone?"

"Just stop it! You're breaking my heart, Ethan!" I exclaimed.

"You've already broken mine." He said and walked away before I could say anything.

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