11. "Oh Ana, my love, you're up."

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I had just regained consciousness when I found Aaron dragging someone into the poorly lit room. I squinted my eyes trying to make out whom that person was. Whom else would he want to abduct?

"Oh Ana, my love, you're up." He said in a sickly sweet voice that made me cringe.

"You're a sick retard." I growled.

"You've become so feisty, Ana. What happened to the obedient little girl that never dared to utter a word against me?" He mocked, squatting down in front of me. I glared at him, struggling to free my arms from the ropes.

"She's gone, Aaron. I'm not afraid of you anymore. You can't have your way with me now. My husband will find me and he'll put you behind bars for good." I said and he laughed an evil laugh loudly.

"Your husband, eh?" He asked and in the dim light, I saw him raising an eyebrow at me challengingly.

Before I could say anything, he rose back to his feet and went to tie up the person he had dragged in. My breath got caught in my lungs as the small amount of light fell on the person's face.

"Ethan... ETHAN!" I cried out, trying to reach forward but the ropes bit into my skin, making me wince in pain.

Aaron laughed once more. "Your husband is a fool. I thought it would be a tough task to kidnap this guy but he himself walked into trouble."

"Why don't you just leave us alone?!" I screamed.

"Because," he began, grabbing my face roughly. "If you can't be mine, you can't be anyone else's."

"Look at yourself! You're absolutely retarded and deplorable!" I yelled.

"Yell all you want. But eventually, either you get out of here alive and well with me or yours and your husband's dead bodies leave this place. Choice is yours." He said before storming out of the room.

I let out the cries I was holding once he was gone. "Ethan." I called my husband's name amongst my whimpers but he was passed out. I wanted to reach out and touch him, to be able to wrap my arms around him and feel his arms around me so I could feel at least a little bit secure. The current glum situation had me overlook the fight we had and the fact that I was mad at him. Seeing him passed out in front of me and not being able to touch him made me feel so helpless and vulnerable.

Aaron returned a little while later. Ethan was still unconscious.

A tray containing some food was pushed near me. "Ana, if you decide to leave with me, I promise I'll take care of you. Everything will be normal." Aaron said to me in a normal tone. I stayed quiet.

"Please eat, okay? I don't want you to get sick." He said but I knew that this 'care' was temporary. He would show his true colours in some time. He waited for a reaction from me and not getting anything, he untied my hands and headed for the door. "If you untie him, I will shoot him in front of you." He said in a threatening tone and then left.

I instantly reached to embrace Ethan. I untied his hands, ignoring Aaron's threat and held him in my arms. "Ethan, baby please wake up." I whispered and kissed his forehead. As my hand made contact with the back of his head, I found some dried blood which scared me. How dare that asshole hurt my husband?!

"Anastasia?" I heard Ethan mumble and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Ethan." I whispered happily, glad to see him conscious. He stared at me with wide eyes once he was fully aware of his surroundings.

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