20. "You're wearing red, right?"

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(1448 words)

We all got seated on our dining table in our fancy dining hall— Ethan's parents, my parents, Ariana, Ahira and Zayn. My friends did come to visit me, but didn't stay for long. Ariana sat with Zayn on her right and Ahira on her left. Watching Ariana and Zayn talk to each other, with sparks in their eyes and obvious chemistry, made my heart swell with joy. I was very glad that they were in a relationship and couldn't wait for them to get married one day like Ethan and I. At the same time, I hoped that they would never have to face the dark moments that me and Ethan had to.


Ethan and I were seated at the farthest corner of the big dining table. Ethan had insisted that we sit there even though it wasn't our usual spot. As everyone again engaged in light-hearted conversation, along with indulging in the delicious aromatic food, I felt Ethan's hand creep up to my thigh, and my breathing hitched.

"Ethan." I chastised quietly.

"You are so alluring, my love." He whispered to me sexily, lightly running his hand up and down my thigh.

I struggled to maintain my breathing and kept making sure that no one was noticing us. My parents were very busy chatting with Ethan's parents; Ariana and Zayn were caught up in their own talk as they ate, with Ahira teasing them and making cute jokes. Nobody seemed to have an idea about what was going on under the table.

I froze in my chair as Ethan's hand moved my almost-knee length dress up a little and made its way to gently tug at my red lace panties' band.

"You're wearing red, right?" He asked me huskily. He had gotten a glimpse of me changing my clothes earlier.

"Yes." My response was breathless, my heart drumming in my chest. At that point, I wanted him to continue, to pleasure me right then and there. Very wanton of you, Ana. Your family is literally right here.

"You know I love red on you." His low sexy voice was enough to make me wet; not to mention that his hand had now slipped inside my panties.

"You do realise everyone is here?" I quietly reminded him, in case he had gotten too caught up in the moment to realise.

"Yes, and that makes it all the more thrilling, doesn't it?" He replied, and I shivered, almost in agreement. I felt very turned on with the feel of his masculine fingers, his sexy, breathtaking voice and the given situation.

"You two aren't eating?" Came Martha's voice and I almost jumped in my chair. I could hear my heart in my ears. With Ethan's hand ghosting over my clitoris, I found all ability to think gone.

"We were too caught up talking, mom. We'll just begin." Ethan answered her with a smile.

"Eat well, Ana. You need to be very careful towards your health; you're pregnant." Martha said to me in a motherly way, and I gave her a genuine smile, nodding my head at her. Then she turned her attention back to my mother.

"Do you like that?" Ethan murmured to me, his finger slowly running up and down my clit. I tried closing my thighs; it was all too much and the fact that I couldn't make a sound or movement, was killing me.

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