2. "No, I'll stain the bedsheets."

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(1921 words)

*Ariana's POV*

I was home alone and chilling on my bed, watching videos on YouTube when the doorbell rang. Sighing exasperatedly and rolling my eyes in annoyance at the disturbance, I got up from my comfy bed to go upstairs to open the main door. My room was in the basement.

I indolently made my way upstairs and the doorbell rang once again, making me roll my eyes once more. Who the hell is disturbing me at this time when all I feel like doing is relaxing?

Finally, I made it to the gate and opened it in a swift motion, not even bothering to identify the person through the keyhole first. Ana always said careless moves like that could get me murdered, robbed or kidnapped.

My mouth hung open as I came face-to-face with my visitor, all my vexation dissipating instantly. "Zayn?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, hey, can I come inside?" He asked awkwardly. I noticed the bouquet of exquisite flowers in his hands. Aww, are those for me?

"Oh yes, of course. Please." I said, moving aside to give him room to enter. Once he was inside our porch, I closed the gate and turned to give him a wide smile.

"These are for you." He said, handing the lovely, colourful flowers to me.

"Oh they're so pretty; thank you, Zayn." I thanked him sincerely. I wondered if he had any idea how much that gesture meant to me. I was really falling for him...

"I'm glad you like them. There's something I need to confess to you." He said, seeming nervous.

"Oh sure. Let's go inside first." I suggested and he nodded his head, gesturing for me to lead the way. I climbed up the three steps before entering my home through the main door and Zayn followed behind.

Once I had closed the door, Zayn cleared his throat, took a deep breath and said, "I know I've probably been vague about this, but I have feelings for you. I really like you."

I was initially surprised. Then ecstatic. No measurement tool could measure the amount of happiness I felt in that moment. I wanted to jump up and down and scream from the exhilaration. He finally said it! How badly I was anticipating for him to admit that he actually feels something for me!

"I-I like you too!" I blurted eagerly.

A cute boyish smile spread through his face. "I'm so relieved to hear that." He said and I blushed. I had been dying to feel him close, to hold his face in my hands and to kiss those tempting lips of his.

Promptly, I closed the gap between us and God, how amazing his lips felt against mine. I had finally had my first kiss.


It was probably the middle of the night when I roused from my slumber. I had a familiar pain in my lower back and tummy and could feel wetness in my panties. Oh no, my period is early.

I sat up and cast a quick glance at Ethan who was sleeping soundly with his arm close to where I was previously lying. Removing the covers from my body, I slowly crept out of bed and scrambled to the bathroom where it was confirmed that I was indeed on my period. I groaned in delirium before opening the cabinets where I kept my pads, only to find out that there were none. Shoot, I forgot to buy pads.

I scurried back to the bedroom and contemplated whether to wake Ethan up or not.

Just wake him up, lady! You're freaking bleeding your vag out! I caressed his face compassionately before shaking him.

He slowly opened his eyes. "Love?" He asked groggily, blinking to see properly.

"Babe, I've got my period and there are no pads." I gushed, getting straight to the point.

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