The Past Will Come Back And Hount You

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I just can't fucking believe it how much good feed back I've gotten on the past chapters! I mean I would have quit writing this story a long time ago if it wasn't for you guys! Thank you to every wich one of you for the commnents/votes/fans and most of all reads! I'm so glad you like my story!

Well anyway here's the next chapter, in all u deserved it since u got the 20 votes i asked for! 

-Enjoy :*



Harry was just about to tell me something and by the look of his face quite scerious when i heard a loud gun shot. It was very strange since we were in a vampire club. The shooter was ether a vampire hunter or a Lycan. 

I quickly sobered up and scanned the area for the mystery person. 

People were panicking but i stayed calm. I was always like that. 

''Harry, get the others and get out of here!'' 

I yelled and he nodded signaling me he understood. 

He was just about to head run when he turned around and grabbed me by my wrist. 

''Wait, no! I'm not leaving u here u might get hurt!'' 

''Harry, look I'm gonna be fine. Trust me, I'm a big girl I can take care of myself!'' 

I yelled through the panicked crowd. 

He sighed and ran to the door, yelling the names of the other boys. 

In the corner of my eye I saw a tall figure holding a stake to a girls heart and the gun secured safely around their belt. I quickly ran to the mystery person and knocked the stake out of their hand. The girl thanked me and in a flash she was gone. I don't blame her I were to be as young as her i'd run too.  

The man... Wait its a she! 

We made eye contact but she quickly made a run for it.  

Wait, was she scared of me? It sure looked like it. All tho I was quite flattered to be feared I had to find the reason behind the shooting.  

She was quick. Too quick to be human... She wasn't a Lycan because i would have seen it in her eyes. She was just another vampire. But why the killing spree? 

He made a sharp turn into a tight alley way. 

''Who are you? Why did you do this?'' 

I yelled once i got close enough that i was sure she would hear me. 

''Don't play dumb, Caroline.'' 

I was dumbfounded. How does she know my name? 

''How do you know my name?'' 

''Let's just say, you know me.'' 

She said in a snarky tone of voice. 

''Do you think I'd ask you if I knew?'' 

I said in a sarcastic tone. 

''Does the name Brian bring a clue?'' 

She said crossing her arms. 

Suddenly i remembered.

~*~ flash back ~*~

''No, let me go!'' 

I screamed. 

''Now why should i do that?'' 

He whispered in my ear while holding my arms behind my back. 

''Please I'm Innocent, let me go, I'm begging you!'' 

I yelled tears running down my cheeks. 

''Don't cry princess, it will all be over soon. You'll just feel a sharp pain in your chest and everything will be over.'' 

He purred in my ear like it was nothing out of the ordinary. 

''Please, I want to live, I didn't hurt anyone i swear!'' 

I was crying my eyes out and he didn't even care. I was innocent. 

''Well, you bloodsucking vampire how can i trust you not to kill any more people? U see, i can't so,, I can't let you live.'' 

Brian growled in my ear. 

With that he spun me around so i was facing him.  

''Please... Don't...'' 

I begged him. 

''Nothing you'll do will change my mind!'' 

He came close to my ear so he could whisper something but I saw an opportunity in that. It took all of my straight to do what I did. Once he was close enough I plunged my white fangs into the flesh of his neck. I was a young vampire than, only about a year old when Brian a vampire hunter found me. Since I was that young I wasn't as experienced as I am now. I didn't even feed of of humans jet, i was too scared of killing someone. Just imagine how sacred I was drinking from the vain for the first time... And sure enough i did.... I killed him... I had no choice.

~*~ End of flash back ~*~

''And what does he have to do with this situation?''

I asked still a bit shaken by the memory i wished never happened.

''well, see, he was my husband.''

''What?! He lived more than three thousand years ago!''

''Well since he was a vampire hunter he had a lot of enemies. Enemies that were vampires. Because you killed him i had nobody to protect me from them. All tho they didn't kill me they chose to turn me into the monster I hated!''

She said putting the emphasises on 'you'.

''You are forgetting one critical part, he was attacking me I killed him in self defense!''

''That does not phase me. I am what i am becouse of you. So now you must pay for what you did!''

She said while a smug smirk was playing on her face.

''And we're here to make that happen.''

I heard a voice behind me almost whisper in a low daunting tone.

I turned my head just to be faced with about five tall, muscular figures.


I murmered just before I heard jet another gun shot but now it followed with a sharp pain in my chest. Than everything went black.


A/N You know the dealio you vote i post. So 25 votes for the next one ;)

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