She's Not Our's To Save... (Part one)

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OMG, I feel so bad right now. I promised I'd update when i got 25 and now its over 30... Please don't hate me... Any-who I did my best so I honestly hope you'll like this half chapter!

-Enjoy :*



~*~ In the morning ~*~

I woke up in a dark room with only a small window bringing in a shred of light. I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eye site to the dark room. I tried to move but I was restrained with a thick chain around both my wrists. I tried pulling on them but they didn't budge from the sealing.


I yelled but no answer. The only thing I heard was the echo of my own voice. I sighed and made a mental note to never go investigate again.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of a exit strategy, when I heard a sound of a heavy door opening behind me.

My eyes shot open.

''Well, hello there Caroline.''

She said walking around to face me.

''What do you want?''

I hissed at her with my fangs out on display.

''Isn't it obvious? I want you dead!''

She came closer so we were only a couple of inches apart. Her eyes were already red with anger.

''Than kill me! Do it!''

I yelled, my eyes also becoming red. She took a step back and laughed a rather sinister laugh.

''Well, see, I though I'd have a bit of fun first.''

I was seriously becoming scared at this point.


She called out and i heard the door open once again. I couldn't really see how many people came in the room but i could sense there were at least three.

''Do what you please, all tho I do have one request... Make it hurt.''

She almost growled.

''Don't worry, we will.''

I heard a deep voice behind me agree.

I was freaking out, what was he gonna do to me? The possibilities are endless...

''I'm Cole, this is Michel and Ian, and we're here to make your life hell.''

He said with clenched jaws and an evil smirk.

I lifted my head up and looked in his eyes. There was no hint of regret or guilt what so ever. I closed my eyes as the sound of metal chains chumming and blades being sharpend filled the room.


~*~ The previous night ~*~

We were all gathered out side the club.

''Where's Caroline?''

Harry asked and he seemed rather scared.

''I don't know i thought u were with her!''

I said a bit louder that I would have wanted.

''She said shed be fine and ran off to find the shooter!''

Harry argued back.

''Hey, hey, hey! She may be all right and searching for us too.''

Liam tried to calm us down.

''Yeah, Carolielne si a strong girl, she doesn't get hurt that easily.''

Jake reashured us.

We all took a deep breath of the cold air that sourounded us.

''I'll send her a text, saying that we'll be at home.''

Taylor said while pulling out his phone and starting to text.

''But don't get to thinking that somethings wrong just cuz she won't text back, she almost never does.''

Matt said showing us his text history with Caroline. Almost all the messages were from him and very few from her.

''We should go home and wait for her there.''

Matt suggested and we all agreed.

I had my doubts but I did my best to ignore them as much as posible and trust what the ohers were telling me. I couldn't help but still worry about her and what may have happend to her...

This was gonna be a loooonnngggg night...


A/N Please dont be mad. You got the 25 votes very fast and i hade writers block plus a shit load of exsams... so i'm extreamly sorry if you didn't like this chapter. Please leave a comment telling me if you liked it and if you didn't, what i could change to make it better plus what u think will happen in the other part. :D

(I'm not gonna give u a vote number to wich i'll post the second half cuz u voted more than enough on the last one. I'll post it as soon a i write the last word. All tho it would make me really happy if you voted... :))

-Thank you! :)Xx

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