Were Not Strangers Anymore

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Caroline led us down the hallway and to her land rover. During that time she didn’t say much, se just looked down and walked.

When we were in the car she finally spoke up.

''So, since you’re new I can assume that you all have a lot of questions. Ask way.''

''How come before we changed we didn’t remember you?''

I asked.

''Because we compelled you. That basically means that we erased your memory, but now you changed so the memories came back…''

She answered with a hint of guilt in her voice.

''So it’s just gonna be us and you in the mansion?''

Harry asked cheekily.

Does that boy ever not flirt? I swear he flirts with every and anything that moves…

''Umm, no. I already have three roommates. You know the boys that were with me that night we first met.''

She answered still looking on the road.

''Mason told us that we’ll get fangs when we feed for the first time, does that mean we have to kill someone?''

Liam asked with a shaky voice.

She just chuckled and smiled at us.

''No! Babe, were the good guys remember? We mostly feed of blood bags.''

We all sighed a sigh of relief.

''But what will we do with our fangs?''

Niall asked confused.

''Sadly we don’t have a choice, they’ll grow anyway… You don’t have to feed of blood bags if you don’t want to. You may choose between eating animals or…''

She drifted off.

''Or… What?''

Asked Louis eagerly.

''Or you can simply feed on humans.''

He continued.

''But doesn’t that mean killing them?''

He asked a bit worried.

''I’m not saying I can’t happen and it probably will, but it’s my responsibility to teach you how to do it properly. ''

Ooo we all said in unison.

''You’re taking the being a vampire thing pretty good if you ask me. you guys ok with being vampires?''

She asked.

''Well speaking for all of us, I think that when one door closes another opens, sooo… we’re cool with it.''

We all nodded our heads in agreement.


She exclaimed.

''Are we there yet?''

Niall asked in a childish voice.

She smiled her big beautiful smile and answered.

''We’ll be there in a minute.''


We pulled in a drive way of a beautiful mansion. As we got out of the car we could see just how big her mansion was.

''Wow! This is where you live?!''

Harry asked wide eyed.

''And now you live here too!''

She said in a happy voice.

Just as we opened the door we were greeted by three boys, all though it was in an unusual way.

''Fuck… They’re your apprentices?''


She said popping the P. cute!


Louis whispered to himself sassily.

''Hey! We can hear you! Were vampires remember?''

Taylor snapped at him.


Louis said awkwardly.

''Louis, I don’t think that Taylor meant it in a bad way; he’s just surprised that it’s you… I mean that you already met. Isn’t that right Ty?''

She said hitting his arm playfully.

''Yeah, right. Umm, so no point of introducing ourselves again. Welcome!''

He said smiling.

''I for one am happy she’s your guard, you seam nice. She could have gotten five freaks. ''

Jake laughed making us all laugh with him.

''Basically welcome! All though no funny business, got it lads?''

Matt added and hardened the mood al little bit.

We all quickly nodded our heads in agreement.

''Come with me boys, I’ll show your bedrooms.''

We obeyed.

''But, but, but…''

Liam said looking around.

''But what Liam?''

She asked looking around trying to find out what he was looking at.

''We don’t have any clothes. When they took us they didn’t really let us take anything, it all happened so quickly…''

He said giving her one of his famous puppy dog eyes.

''Well, hun, they had to do it quickly, you’ll get your clothes tomorrow. Chop chop you had a big day today and you have to be tired so good night.''

She said stopping at a hallway with five doors.

''These are our rooms?''


She said popping the P.

God, she’s so cute.

''Good night.''

We all said sleepily and entered our rooms.

As I laid in the king sized bed in my own room I thought; I’ll be living with her, so that means I get to see her every day. As great as that is isn’t there suppose to be a bad side to this to even things off? O… right I’m a vampire... ups, almost forgot. But that’s all worth it… just to be with her is worth it… and with that I slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.


Athors note: I'm back from Greece! Here's the fifth chapter, enjoy! :***

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