She's Not Our's To Save (Part 2)

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A/N: Here it is! FINALY! I honestly do feel extreamly bad for not posting like 2 months but i tried to start again multiple times... all tho i had absulutly no inspiration and couldnt come up with a single word i did my absulute best. Hope you nutella bunnys enjoy this chapter! :) 



After we left the club we headed straight home. Nobody said much during the ride or once we got home. Everyone just quietly left for their rooms. I saw how worried Zayn was and i'm not gonna lie i was feeling anxious too. I'm really starting to like 'like like'' Caroline. Love is a strange thing, you don't know why its there for someone, it just is...

I layed on my bed facing the ceiling for a long time before my eye lids started getting heavy and i drifted off to sleep. 

Suddenly i saw glimpses of Caroline. She was yelling in pain and she was covered in blood. My heart started beating faster. I was in a room, a dark dark room with her in the centre. There were three massive men around her. They were the cause of the pain. I tried to punch one of them but my hand flew right through his body. I was helpless, there was nothing i could do but watch her get tortured. I fell to the floor and screamed.

Suddenly i woke up screaming. I layed in my bed just panting and trying to comprehend what i just saw. 

You know when you have a horrible nightmare but once you wake up the fear disappears and you know that what you just dreamed wasn't real.... Yeah well i'm not feeling this right now. The fear is still there, and i just cant shake the feeling that this dream is in some way real.


I woke up all sweaty and disturbed. I was breathing heavily and i was practically frozen from the nightmare. But this nightmare wasn't just a normal nightmare, it felt real. If this is really happening to Caroline i need to do something.

Than all of a sudden i heard a scream. It sounded like Harry.

I jumped out of the not any more comforting bed and made a bee line to Harry's room.

God damn it, this mansion is large! It takes soooo long just to get from point A to point B. 

I let out a sigh as i saw the doors to Harry's room. Than quickly barged in.

''Hazza, what the hell happened?!''

''Oh god Zayn, way to get me a heart attack.''

He replied bitterly.

''Why were you screaming?''

I was still quite shaken up by the dream but this is what friends are for, to help each other even if you are too in a bad situation.

''I don't know man... I just had this really fucked up dream...''

My jaw drooped. He couldn't possibly have had the same dream as me.

''...where Caroline was in this dark room with some m-men and they were... they were...''

He looked at the ground.

''Tourturing her?''

Harry looked up and you could see how scared and confused he was.

''Yeah... H-h-how did you know?''

''I may have had sorta kind the same dream as you...''

I stumbled with my words.

''Wow, i-i don't even... I don't even know how to respond... Did it seem real to you too?''

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2013 ⏰

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