5. "If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder" (Hurt/comfort)

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REQUESTED by Anxious_Blue . I changed the order in which they find him though, hope that's ok :)

Big ol' tw for non con, not descriptive.

Wilbur was at a party again. His Dad didn't know where he was but it hardly mattered. As the middle child Wilbur had mastered the art of sneaking out unnoticed and just utterly not caring at about his fathers disappointment. 

When 17 y/o Techno was trying to annoy their dad he bleached and dyed his hair, and got three ear piercings and a nose piercing. (I am such an older sibling lmao- speaking of which anyone know where to get underage tats in straya? jk. mostly)

10 y/o Tommy just went out of his way to disobey every rule he could possibly disobey. 

But 16 y/o Wilbur... he just did whatever the fuck he wanted and then refused to listen when Phil lectured him about it after. 

It was nearly one am and Wilbur had been drinking consistently since 10pm. He was absolutely pissed. He'd already chugged half a bottle of vodka on a dare, as well as the several cheap beers. 

So when someone started feeling him up he didn't question it. 

****TW- non descriptive r*pe****

The guy had short black hair, ends tinged purple and light blue eyes. He was about 6ft with stocky shoulders and ridiculously ripped biceps. He was fucking hot.

So when he pulled Wilbur aside and slipped his tongue into his mouth Wilbur kissed back with sloppy intensity.

The guy lifted up his shirt and pulled it over Wilbur's head, planting kisses along Wilbur's neck and stomach, moving down toward his pants. 

Wilbur paused then, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He didn't like how he looked below his neck and didn't like the idea of this nameless man seeing him- touching him there.

The taller teenager shoved the ravenette off him. "Stop."

"You don't mean that baby... we'll have fun..." the other smarmed, moving forwards and kissing under Wilbur's jaw. 

"Fuck off!" he yelled, letters slurring, but the other was having none of it.

The ravenette pinned Wilbur's hands together and shoved him into a bedroom, silencing Wilbur's protests with a more aggressive kiss as he forced off the others pants.


It was now three am and there was no sign of that... guy. The party was still roaring outside but Wilbur was sick to his stomach, walking outside and beginning the short 10-minute walk. 

He was slightly more sober but still stumbling. His upper legs and bruised hips ached as he stepped but Wilbur pressed forwards.

He felt so wrong. Disgusting. He could feel the others phantom hands on his skin, roughly pushing him down, holding him so tight it bruised. 

His shirt had been left at the party and Wilbur was currently only wearing a sweatshirt over his top half, covering up the mess the other had left him with. 

Wilbur ran a shaky hand through his hair in an attempt to ground himself but it only worsened it as he felt the stuff left in his hair.

How the fuck had he left that happen? What the fuck could he do? 

He couldn't tell his family. They-they'd be disgusted. They'd wonder why in the everliving fuck had Wilbur let it get so far. 

Christ, Wilbur hadn't even told them he was bi yet!

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