14. "memories flashed, tears flowed." (Tommy hurt/comfort)

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(Sry I realised I didn't have a title so I reuploaded this)

Hey while reading my books, why not just put on some Cavetown,, or Gang of Thieves or Mother Mother bc ✨mood setting✨

Ages for convenience - Tommy:14 nearly fifteen . Wilbur:17 . Techno:17

TW: substance abuse, child abuse, symptoms of ptsd, ~toxic masculinity~

haha unedited as always because what are attention spans, don't have those lmao

Wilbur, Techno and Tommy had been living together for a year now. They'd all been through some shit before they were adopted but Phil had done his best to help them through and give them a safe home to stay in.

Tonight though Philza was out and Techno and Wilbur were looking after their little brother Tommy. 

It was ten pm and they'd been watching shitty horror movies Phil would never even let them near when Wilbur received another text alert.

"Hey Techno, George invited us to this party just a few blocks away,," he said with a raised brow. 

Wilbur was one for parties but for Techno they were often a bit much, he just stayed to the side and maybe had a cider or two. 

The pinkette was about to disagree when he got a text from Clay, inviting him again. The two would often just hang to the side together and chat and make fun of their wasted friends, particularly Wilbur and George who had been known to start yelling karaoke together when drunk.  

Techno glanced at Tommy and shook his head. 

Wilbur mock pouted, knowing exactly what Techno was thinking about. "Oh c'mon, he's not a kid. George said it'll only be a few guys from our school, just impromptu. He'll be fiiiine, right Tommy?"

Tommy nodded, giving Techno a smile. He knew George and Clay and he didn't want to miss out or make his brothers miss out just because he was there. 

Techno seemed slightly doubtful but Tommy was excited.

He'd never bee to a party but he knew his brother did all the time, it'd be fun. 

So they headed out, walking the few blocks to George's place and eventually arriving at his house. 

They walked through the foyer, Wilbur immediately splitting off to go find his friends. 

Before they entered the backyard however Techno quickly turned to Tommy. "Just tell us if you want to go, and don't drink anything-" he trailed off, spotting Clay and giving him a wave. "Don't leave without us, ok?" he finished distractedly, before walking off to Clay who was standing awkwardly in the kitchen, away from all the partiers outside.

Tommy nodded with a smile towards him, wandering off to find his own way. He opened the veranda door to step into the patio and immediately the smell of alcohol hit him. 

Jesus fucking christ he had not been expecting it to smell so strong- it was like-

He shook his head, holding his breath.

He hadn't expecting so many people. All around him were drunk people ranging from age seventeen to maybe twenty five, all completely smashed. 

It was so loud, and crowded, and fucking scary and Tommy couldn't hold his breath forever, soon the smell of alcohol hit his nose again.

He felt like gagging. 

All he could think about was his father, lying on the couch in front of the tv, beer in hand as he yelled at his son. 

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