1. "You ignore, I wait."(SBI Angstbur)

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:;SBI FAMILY AU. TW: self depricating thoughts, a fuckton of swearing, violence, gaslighting and manipulation, substance abuse,mild smut *bookmarked*, self harm *bookmarked*.

He couldn't help it. He couldn't help feeling jealous of his brothers when his dad spent all his time with them. He couldn't help feeling less loved. 

Wilbur Soot Watson had been Phil's first child.

Wilbur was adopted at 10 after his bio father was sent to gaol for domestic abuse, and for a whole blissful year he had been Phil's only child.

Phil had read him stories every night, drove him to school every day, accompanied him to therapy and made sure he told Wilbur daily how much he loved him.

Wilbur had been the happiest he'd been in his life. He'd never gotten affection before from his dad, and one word of praise from Phil was enough to ensure lifelong love from Wilbur.

Then, when Wilbur was 11, Phil adopted another child. He was only a few days older than Wilbur but quite a bit shorter.

His name was Techno.

With a ten hour day job and extensive therapy for Techno, Phil didn't have as much time for Wilbur anymore.

But Wilbur hasn't minded, spending his time playing with Techno, helping his brother with his binder and waking up at all times of the night to remind him that he was safe, and that Techno's old carer, his grandfather, couldn't touch him anymore.

And when the third sibling, a small child named Tommy had joined the family, Wilbur had been happy.

He nursed Tommy on the weekends, acting like a second father and making sure Tommy felt loved.

But Wilbur felt a small pang of betrayal every time young Tommy chose to cuddle his distant older brother over him, every time Tommy asked Phil for help, despite Wilbur being there. 

So when he wasn't helping his brothers, Wilbur would help around the house instead.

He knew Phil was tired and Wilbur didn't mind doing the work for him. It was worth it for the smiles he got when Phil saw him helping.

Wilbur would wake up at 6 every morning to make Phil, Tommy and Techno their breakfast and coffee.

Then he would make dinner in the afternoon while Techno was at fencing and clean up the breakfast things.

He would on in jealousy as he cooked when Phil, Tommy and Techno would come through the door, laughing and joking as they sat down for dinner, trying not to be upset when Techno and Tommy got all the attention during dinner.

That night Phil did come to him after however, yawning as he stood next to his son. Techno was downstairs training and Tommy already asleep, so they were alone.

"Hey, Will. Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you a lot. Shits been crazy with all three of you and this new job..." he yawned again. "I'll clean this up, you go to bed kiddo."  Phil smiled at him before yawning again, blinking slowly.

Wilbur shrugged. "I can do it."

Phil hesitated. "Are you sure?"

"I don't mind." he smiled honestly. "You can sleep."

"Thank you buddy. Just this once."

He leant down and kissed his son on the top of his head, saying goodnight before heading to bed.

Wilbur grinned after him

He really didn't mind. It was worth it for the word of praise from Phil.

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